The increasing of the number of transistors on a chip, which plays the main role in improvement in the performance and increasing the speed of a microprocessor, causes rapidly increasing of microprocessor design complexity. Based on Moore’s Law the number of transistors should be doubled every 24 months. The doubling of transistor count affects increasing of microprocessor design complexity, power dissipation, and cost of design effort. This article presents a proposal to discuss the matter of scaling hardware complexity of a microprocessor design related to Moore’s Law. Based on the discussion a hardware complexity measure is presented
In 1965, Gordon Moore posited that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double e...
Inexorable progress in device scaling has given rise to obvious increases in circuit complexit...
Inexorable progress in device scaling has given rise to obvious increases in circuit complexit...
Transistor miniaturization has allowed computer processors to improve exponentially as predicted by ...
This brief paper provides a quantitative understanding of the relations among supply-voltage scaling...
Moore’s law originally was the observation that the number of transistors on integrated circuits dou...
The performance of single-core microprocessors, or uniprocessors, has been driven over the years by ...
Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore observed in 1965 that transistor density, the number of transistors...
Microprocessor design complexity is growing rapidly. As a result, current development costs for top ...
Hardware design for high performance computing appears to be reaching its limits on several fronts. ...
According to Moore`s law the number of transistors on a single die is doubling every 18 months. Dur...
Integrated circuit technology is rapidly approaching a state where feature sizes of one micron or le...
Integrated circuit technology is rapidly approaching a state where feature sizes of one micron or le...
LSI has provided machine designers a medium of unprecedented power and versatility. The potential of...
In 1965, Gordon Moore posited that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double e...
In 1965, Gordon Moore posited that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double e...
Inexorable progress in device scaling has given rise to obvious increases in circuit complexit...
Inexorable progress in device scaling has given rise to obvious increases in circuit complexit...
Transistor miniaturization has allowed computer processors to improve exponentially as predicted by ...
This brief paper provides a quantitative understanding of the relations among supply-voltage scaling...
Moore’s law originally was the observation that the number of transistors on integrated circuits dou...
The performance of single-core microprocessors, or uniprocessors, has been driven over the years by ...
Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore observed in 1965 that transistor density, the number of transistors...
Microprocessor design complexity is growing rapidly. As a result, current development costs for top ...
Hardware design for high performance computing appears to be reaching its limits on several fronts. ...
According to Moore`s law the number of transistors on a single die is doubling every 18 months. Dur...
Integrated circuit technology is rapidly approaching a state where feature sizes of one micron or le...
Integrated circuit technology is rapidly approaching a state where feature sizes of one micron or le...
LSI has provided machine designers a medium of unprecedented power and versatility. The potential of...
In 1965, Gordon Moore posited that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double e...
In 1965, Gordon Moore posited that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double e...
Inexorable progress in device scaling has given rise to obvious increases in circuit complexit...
Inexorable progress in device scaling has given rise to obvious increases in circuit complexit...