Some consumers finance discretionary spending at extremely high interest rates. Many carry substantial balances on their credit cards at effective annual rates as high as 36 percent, and some pay annual rates on “pay day ” loans as high as 400 percent. High interest debt can rapidly cascade into an overwhelming financial burden, threatening the consumer’s credit and long-term financial health. This survey study investigates how quantitative literacy may promote forward-looking financial decisions, decisions that recognize the long-term consequences of current choices and may favor the future over the present. In addition, we examine the consumer’s confidence in their quantitative skills. Confidence in working with numbers could help consume...
Financial literacy and behavioral finance have become a part of education not only in the United Sta...
textabstractConsumers often have to make decisions involving computations with interest rates. It is...
We analyze a national sample of Americans with respect to their debt literacy, financial experiences...
Some consumers finance discretionary spending at extremely high interest rates. Many carry substanti...
Being financially literate is an important life skill that is equally important for ones own sake as...
In this study, we use a measure of financial literacy that includes both a test score of actual fina...
In this study, we use a measure of financial literacy that includes both a test score of actual fina...
Financial decisions, be they related to asset building or debt management, require the capacity to d...
by Age In this study, we use a measure of financial literacy that includes both a test score of actu...
Financial literacy affects all consumers. It is an important topic because the consequences of a fin...
In recent years, the financial world has become more complex and intricate. In this context, numerac...
Financial decisions, be they related to asset building or debt management, require the capacity to d...
Abstract: Financial Literacy has been recognized as a critical skill for individuals who are embedde...
The topics of credit cards, mortgages, subprime lending, and fringe banking are rich sources of prob...
Based on a rich panel of household data, we investigate the determinants of the use of consumer cre...
Financial literacy and behavioral finance have become a part of education not only in the United Sta...
textabstractConsumers often have to make decisions involving computations with interest rates. It is...
We analyze a national sample of Americans with respect to their debt literacy, financial experiences...
Some consumers finance discretionary spending at extremely high interest rates. Many carry substanti...
Being financially literate is an important life skill that is equally important for ones own sake as...
In this study, we use a measure of financial literacy that includes both a test score of actual fina...
In this study, we use a measure of financial literacy that includes both a test score of actual fina...
Financial decisions, be they related to asset building or debt management, require the capacity to d...
by Age In this study, we use a measure of financial literacy that includes both a test score of actu...
Financial literacy affects all consumers. It is an important topic because the consequences of a fin...
In recent years, the financial world has become more complex and intricate. In this context, numerac...
Financial decisions, be they related to asset building or debt management, require the capacity to d...
Abstract: Financial Literacy has been recognized as a critical skill for individuals who are embedde...
The topics of credit cards, mortgages, subprime lending, and fringe banking are rich sources of prob...
Based on a rich panel of household data, we investigate the determinants of the use of consumer cre...
Financial literacy and behavioral finance have become a part of education not only in the United Sta...
textabstractConsumers often have to make decisions involving computations with interest rates. It is...
We analyze a national sample of Americans with respect to their debt literacy, financial experiences...