io ow practice and, in some countries, it is imperative for routine patient care [1-4]. This forms part of patient-centred care tients and doctors share information and values, and pa-tients play an active role in making healthcare decisions Ng et al. BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:40
of making a hospital choice. For the perceived usefulness of comparative information, active choice ...
There are different users who apply information systems in health care services. A critical backgrou...
Participatory healthcare is a model of self management characterised by emphasis on people living wi...
available mostly in public and private hospitals which should constitute referral points instead of ...
Developing patient-centred care: an ethnographic study of patient perceptions and influence on quali...
an ol ch ha o jection [2]. For instance, the introduction of computers to hospitals willing to adopt...
care for clinical care and research: a process research. We expect computerised health checks will i...
networks between evidence-based medicine and values-based medicine in continuing medical educatio
are pa et coordinating effort and bridging gaps. limited [4,9]. Our understanding of the role of key...
decision-making in healthcare organisations: a research protocol (Article begins on next page) The H...
understanding of the factors that influence the targets can constrain front line managers and provid...
Full list of author information is available at the end of the articleBackground The importance of e...
de he pa vast in this respect. These principles and guidelines are ant role [9,10]. Moreover, GPs di...
th ma and persistence of an organization and is becoming an Compatibility between the service and wh...
ISSN: 2151-6219 BEJ, an open access journal A major concern for health care leadership is the increa...
of making a hospital choice. For the perceived usefulness of comparative information, active choice ...
There are different users who apply information systems in health care services. A critical backgrou...
Participatory healthcare is a model of self management characterised by emphasis on people living wi...
available mostly in public and private hospitals which should constitute referral points instead of ...
Developing patient-centred care: an ethnographic study of patient perceptions and influence on quali...
an ol ch ha o jection [2]. For instance, the introduction of computers to hospitals willing to adopt...
care for clinical care and research: a process research. We expect computerised health checks will i...
networks between evidence-based medicine and values-based medicine in continuing medical educatio
are pa et coordinating effort and bridging gaps. limited [4,9]. Our understanding of the role of key...
decision-making in healthcare organisations: a research protocol (Article begins on next page) The H...
understanding of the factors that influence the targets can constrain front line managers and provid...
Full list of author information is available at the end of the articleBackground The importance of e...
de he pa vast in this respect. These principles and guidelines are ant role [9,10]. Moreover, GPs di...
th ma and persistence of an organization and is becoming an Compatibility between the service and wh...
ISSN: 2151-6219 BEJ, an open access journal A major concern for health care leadership is the increa...
of making a hospital choice. For the perceived usefulness of comparative information, active choice ...
There are different users who apply information systems in health care services. A critical backgrou...
Participatory healthcare is a model of self management characterised by emphasis on people living wi...