New}y designed printed circuit board TDR probes (PCBPs ) were rnade , and they were ca難bra£磁by沁d◎or exper㎞ent . A regression e(茎撒t韮()R罫or estima麺ng the volumetr量 。 wat愈r cOぎ}te雛市◎1戦撫e(鮭e垂ec麺 。 c◎嚢s蝕も搬eas疑red with the PCBP響asごeもer臨ed , w藪。}}is繊mosも も熱¢sa撚a asもhe we鼓一㎞◎照TOPゴs e(茎鷺山糠く)捻wh¢繋も難愈$0嚢圭s raもher weもW罎eもhe(欝er奪難C¢ bec◎憩es玉arger as the s◎難顧es . The PCBP w畿s(沁s顧¢dも◎raeasureもhe average waもer cQ瓢命蕊 over a soil layer 5 cin thick because tl”te thickness of soil layer invelved in measuring water eontent by rnicrowave remote sensing is several centimeters . A comparison experirnent of raeasurements with PCBPs and those by microwave remote sensing was condueted in an arid area in the northwest of China . The results of tr’ris experime...