Clinical picture

  • Department Of
Publication date
October 2015


HSV pneumonia and endobronchial clusters of vesicles Herpes simplex virus (HSV) pneumonia is a rare disease and almost exclusively occurs in immuno-compromised patients, such as those with malnutri-tion, malignancy, burns, severe pulmonary disease or human immunodeficiency virus infection.1 The pathological features of HSV pneumonia include necrotizing tracheobronchitis, necrotizing pneumo-nia and interstitial pneumonitis.2 The diagnosis of HSV pneumonia is based on microscopic findings of characteristic cytopathic cellular changes, such as intranuclear inclusions or homogenization of the nuclear chromatin, in specimens obtained by bron-chial brushing, bronchoalveolar lavage or tissue biopsy.3 We report a case of HSV pneumonia presenting ch...

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