Selecting a Method for Sealing Ponds in Florida1

  • Dorota Z. Haman
  • Fedro S. Zazueta
  • Gary A. Clark
Publication date
October 2015


A pond can be created by constructing a dam or embank-ment across a watercourse, by excavating a pit or dugout, or by building a dike around a natural depression area. For many farms ponds may be the most economical way to provide water for various agricultural operations. Necessary water for irrigation, livestock production, fish production, fir protection or other purposes can be stored in the pond. Ponds can also be used to capture and store runoff from irrigation or rainfall events. The use of this surface resource can then lead to reduced pumping from deep aquifer water supplies. Ponds are excavated, embanked (see Bulletin 257) or, as some retention ponds in south Florida, created by building a dike around a water storage area. Frequen...

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