Using the Neo Liberal and Organizational Justice theories as the theoretical framework, this study assesses the perceptions of bank employees who survived of the crises and retrenchment that swept across the Nigerian banking sector. Four banks were purposively selected for the study. Two out of these four banks, namely: First Bank Nigeria Plc. (FBN) and United Bank for Africa Plc. (UBA), are among the old generation banks (OGB), while the other two: Access Bank and Eco Bank are new generation banks (NGB). A total of 256 employees of these banks selected through the simple random sampling technique constituted the samples for the study, while questionnaires and in-depth interviews (IDIs) were used as data collection instruments. Frequency pe...
This study focused on the consequences of retrenchment on the perceptions and behaviors of survivors...
This study seeks to examine the effects of the global financial crisis on the Nigerian banking secto...
Reaction of customers to M&A was investigated using a mixed method framework based on two Nigeri...
Using the Neo Liberal and Organizational Justice theories as the theoretical framework, this study a...
This research focuses specifically on those non managerial staff and managers who have experienced d...
Employees often come to organization with past experiences, which give them a framework of expectati...
The 2008–2009 global financial crisis of financial systems negatively affected about 30% of Nigerian...
Previous research on banking sector reforms have investigated economic-related issues such as stabil...
This paper investigates organizational support for workers’ recuperation in Nigerian Banks. The stud...
The banking sector anywhere in the world occupies a very strategic position in the nation’s economy....
The Nigerian banking sector has undergone significant change and re-shaping due to a Government init...
The paper is set out to investigate issues, challenges and opportunities associated with corporate g...
Research on reforms in the banking sector has investigated economic-related issues such as Mergers a...
This paper investigates organizational support for workers’ recuperation in Nigerian Banks. The stud...
The period between 1994 and 2003 witnessed an avalanche of bad corporate governance in the Nigerian ...
This study focused on the consequences of retrenchment on the perceptions and behaviors of survivors...
This study seeks to examine the effects of the global financial crisis on the Nigerian banking secto...
Reaction of customers to M&A was investigated using a mixed method framework based on two Nigeri...
Using the Neo Liberal and Organizational Justice theories as the theoretical framework, this study a...
This research focuses specifically on those non managerial staff and managers who have experienced d...
Employees often come to organization with past experiences, which give them a framework of expectati...
The 2008–2009 global financial crisis of financial systems negatively affected about 30% of Nigerian...
Previous research on banking sector reforms have investigated economic-related issues such as stabil...
This paper investigates organizational support for workers’ recuperation in Nigerian Banks. The stud...
The banking sector anywhere in the world occupies a very strategic position in the nation’s economy....
The Nigerian banking sector has undergone significant change and re-shaping due to a Government init...
The paper is set out to investigate issues, challenges and opportunities associated with corporate g...
Research on reforms in the banking sector has investigated economic-related issues such as Mergers a...
This paper investigates organizational support for workers’ recuperation in Nigerian Banks. The stud...
The period between 1994 and 2003 witnessed an avalanche of bad corporate governance in the Nigerian ...
This study focused on the consequences of retrenchment on the perceptions and behaviors of survivors...
This study seeks to examine the effects of the global financial crisis on the Nigerian banking secto...
Reaction of customers to M&A was investigated using a mixed method framework based on two Nigeri...