Given a network and a set of source destination pairs (connections), we consider the problem of maximizing the sum of the flow under proportional delay constraints. In this paper, the delay for crossing a link is proportional to the total flow crossing this link. If a connection supports non-zero flow, then the sum of the delay along any path corresponding to that connection must be lower than a given bound. The constraints of delay are on-off constraints because if a connection does not support non-zero flow, then there is no constraint for that connection. The difficulty of the problem comes from the choice of the connections supporting non-zero flow. We first prove a general approximation ratio using linear programming for a variant of t...
Abstract—Solving network flow problems is a fundamental component of traffic engineering and many co...
In this paper we address the problem of finding good end-to-end delay bounds for single leaky-bucket...
We address the problem of computing bounds on the worst-case end-to-end delay for a flow traversing ...
International audienceGiven a network and a set of source destination pairs (connections), we consid...
Given a network with known link capacities and traffic demands, one can compute the paths to be used...
AbstractThe time bounds of various algorithms for finding the maximal flow in networks are shown to ...
111 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985.The main problem studied in t...
We introduce a new approach to the maximum flow problem in undirected, capacitated graphs using α-co...
Given a network with known link capacities and traffic demands, one can compute the paths to be used...
AbstractIn this paper the computational complexity of finding packet routing schemes provably effici...
In this paper we address the problem of finding end-to-end delay bounds for single leaky-bucket shap...
AbstractWe consider the maximum generalised network flow problem and a supply-scaling algorithmic fr...
Recently, Goldberg proposed a new approach to the maximum network flow problem. The approach yields ...
We study the problem of minimizing the maximum latency of flows in networks with congestion. We show...
We examine the problem of transmitting in minimum time a given amount of data between a source and a...
Abstract—Solving network flow problems is a fundamental component of traffic engineering and many co...
In this paper we address the problem of finding good end-to-end delay bounds for single leaky-bucket...
We address the problem of computing bounds on the worst-case end-to-end delay for a flow traversing ...
International audienceGiven a network and a set of source destination pairs (connections), we consid...
Given a network with known link capacities and traffic demands, one can compute the paths to be used...
AbstractThe time bounds of various algorithms for finding the maximal flow in networks are shown to ...
111 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985.The main problem studied in t...
We introduce a new approach to the maximum flow problem in undirected, capacitated graphs using α-co...
Given a network with known link capacities and traffic demands, one can compute the paths to be used...
AbstractIn this paper the computational complexity of finding packet routing schemes provably effici...
In this paper we address the problem of finding end-to-end delay bounds for single leaky-bucket shap...
AbstractWe consider the maximum generalised network flow problem and a supply-scaling algorithmic fr...
Recently, Goldberg proposed a new approach to the maximum network flow problem. The approach yields ...
We study the problem of minimizing the maximum latency of flows in networks with congestion. We show...
We examine the problem of transmitting in minimum time a given amount of data between a source and a...
Abstract—Solving network flow problems is a fundamental component of traffic engineering and many co...
In this paper we address the problem of finding good end-to-end delay bounds for single leaky-bucket...
We address the problem of computing bounds on the worst-case end-to-end delay for a flow traversing ...