Figure 13. Gill structures. The plesiomorphic trichobranchiate gills of a freshwater crayfish (A) and of two species of dromiaceans, a homolodromiid (Dicranodromia karubar) (B) and a dynomenid (Dynomene pilum-noides) (C), the latter with a kind of intermediate gill type between trichobranchiate and phyllobranchiate gills (cross-section). (D) The heart-shaped special type of phyllobranchiate gills that evolved within Dromiacea (Hypoconcha arcuata). (E-G): Phyllobranchiate gills of the homoloid Dagnaudus petterdi (E), the raninoid Lyreidus tridentatus (F), and the eubrachyuran Hemigrapsus crenulatus (G). and Galathea are examples of convergent evolution towards phyllobranchiate gills in anomalans). Interestingly enough, dromiaceans show patte...