Description Routines for the statistical analysis of shapes. In particular, the package provides routines for Procrustes analysis, displaying shapes and principal components,testing for mean shape differ-ence, thin-plate spline transformation grids and comparing covariance matrices
This file contains the R code for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed using the spheric...
In modern management of companies, the quantitative knowledge is determinant for defining marketing ...
Description An assortment of functions that could be useful in analyzing data from psychophysi-cal e...
Description Analyzes shooting data with respect to group shape,precision, and accuracy. This in-clud...
Depends stats, utils Description Provides miminization routines and related utilities for compressiv...
Description Tools for the analysis of high-dimensional data developed/implemente
Description Tools for multivariate nonparametrics, as location tests based on marginal ranks, spa-ti...
Description Implements structural estimators to correct for the sample selection bias from observed ...
Description Contains functions for the construction and randomization of balanced carryover balanced...
Statistics:an Introduction using R by R Pruim License GPL (> = 2) Depends R (> = 3.0.0), mosai...
This file contains the R code for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed using the spheric...
In modern management of companies, the quantitative knowledge is determinant for defining marketing ...
Description An assortment of functions that could be useful in analyzing data from psychophysi-cal e...
Description Analyzes shooting data with respect to group shape,precision, and accuracy. This in-clud...
Depends stats, utils Description Provides miminization routines and related utilities for compressiv...
Description Tools for the analysis of high-dimensional data developed/implemente
Description Tools for multivariate nonparametrics, as location tests based on marginal ranks, spa-ti...
Description Implements structural estimators to correct for the sample selection bias from observed ...
Description Contains functions for the construction and randomization of balanced carryover balanced...
Statistics:an Introduction using R by R Pruim License GPL (> = 2) Depends R (> = 3.0.0), mosai...
This file contains the R code for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed using the spheric...
In modern management of companies, the quantitative knowledge is determinant for defining marketing ...
Description An assortment of functions that could be useful in analyzing data from psychophysi-cal e...