To Professor L. Fuchs on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. ABSTRACT. Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for a torsion-free separable abelian group A to be quasi-projective as an E(A)-module. It tums out that such an A is always flat as an E(A)-module. If the set T of types of rank one summands of a separable group A is countable, then A is E(A)-quasi-projective if and only if A is E(A)-projective. L. Fuchs [3] showed that all abelian p-groups, other than the groups of the form (divisible) * (bounded), are quasi-projective over their endomorphism rings. C. Vinsonhaler and W. J. Wickless have characterized in [5] the torsion-free completely decomposable abelian groups which are quasi-projective as modules over their endomo...