bioinformatic analyses and comparative genomics 5 Metagenomic 16S rDNA Illumina Tags are a powerful alternative to amplicon sequencing to explore diversity and structure of microbial communities
cipline of microbiology. Indeed, rRNA-based techniques have enabled environmental microbiologists to...
article was published in the above mentioned Springer issue. The material, including all portions th...
The field of microbial ecology has just entered a new era of rapid technological development and gen...
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non C...
Connecting biodiversity and potential functional role in modern euxinic environments by microbial me...
Key Words microbial ecology, environmental genomics, community genomics, culture-independent, and un...
Sequencing of 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons is the most common approach for inv...
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work i...
is a sample cover image for this issue. The actual cover is not yet available at this time.) This ar...
Microbiology has completely transformed in the last 25 years and the realization that most microorga...
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licen...
The ongoing explosion of nucleotide sequence data from prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms is creat...
This article cites 22 articles, 9 of which can be accessed free at: service Email alerting click her...
The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many...
A metagenomics approach was used to take a closer look at bacterial communities living in sand sampl...
cipline of microbiology. Indeed, rRNA-based techniques have enabled environmental microbiologists to...
article was published in the above mentioned Springer issue. The material, including all portions th...
The field of microbial ecology has just entered a new era of rapid technological development and gen...
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non C...
Connecting biodiversity and potential functional role in modern euxinic environments by microbial me...
Key Words microbial ecology, environmental genomics, community genomics, culture-independent, and un...
Sequencing of 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons is the most common approach for inv...
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work i...
is a sample cover image for this issue. The actual cover is not yet available at this time.) This ar...
Microbiology has completely transformed in the last 25 years and the realization that most microorga...
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licen...
The ongoing explosion of nucleotide sequence data from prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms is creat...
This article cites 22 articles, 9 of which can be accessed free at: service Email alerting click her...
The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many...
A metagenomics approach was used to take a closer look at bacterial communities living in sand sampl...
cipline of microbiology. Indeed, rRNA-based techniques have enabled environmental microbiologists to...
article was published in the above mentioned Springer issue. The material, including all portions th...
The field of microbial ecology has just entered a new era of rapid technological development and gen...