This pa per pres ents the ex per i men tal re sults for the flow around a sphere: a smooth sphere in flow with low in let tur bu lence, a sphere with trip wire, and a sphere in flow with high free stream tur bu lence, at subcritical Reynolds num ber. The mean ve loc ity field and the tur bu-lence quan ti ties are ob tained us ing la ser-Dopp ler anemometry. Com-par i son of ve loc ity field and tur bu lence char ac ter is tics for dif fer ent flow con fig u ra tion are given. Key words: sphere, tur bu lence, la ser-Dopp ler anemometry, grid, trip wire In tro duc tion Many bod ies of prac ti cal in ter est are bluff, and there are lots of stud ies which deal with var i ous as pects of the com plex flow around them. The sphere has been cho s...
The investigation of transitional flow past a sphere at the free surface is a challenging problem du...
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SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 489(621) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Tec...
This paper presents the experimental results for the flow around a sphere: a smooth sphere in flow w...
Flow characteristics around a sphere located over a smooth flat plate were experimentally investigat...
A study of the effect of the turbulent wake of a water drop on the motion of a smaller droplet is es...
A numerical investigation of flow around a sphere is performed and compared with previous studies. H...
Comparison of the experimental results of turbulent flow structures between a smooth sphere and a sp...
Experimental investigations were carried out for flow past a sphere in a closed circuit wind tunnel....
As the first stage of a comprehensive investigation of turbulence effect on the aerodynamics of sphe...
The study of vortex shedding from a sphere assumes an important role because of its relevance to num...
The study of vortex shedding from a sphere assumes an important role because of its relevance to num...
The flow around bluff bodies is of great interest for a large number of engineering applications su...
An experimental method combined with boundary layer theory is given for evaluating the added mass of...
An experimental investigation of flow structures downstream of a circular cylinder and sphere immers...
The investigation of transitional flow past a sphere at the free surface is a challenging problem du...
This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the...
SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 489(621) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Tec...
This paper presents the experimental results for the flow around a sphere: a smooth sphere in flow w...
Flow characteristics around a sphere located over a smooth flat plate were experimentally investigat...
A study of the effect of the turbulent wake of a water drop on the motion of a smaller droplet is es...
A numerical investigation of flow around a sphere is performed and compared with previous studies. H...
Comparison of the experimental results of turbulent flow structures between a smooth sphere and a sp...
Experimental investigations were carried out for flow past a sphere in a closed circuit wind tunnel....
As the first stage of a comprehensive investigation of turbulence effect on the aerodynamics of sphe...
The study of vortex shedding from a sphere assumes an important role because of its relevance to num...
The study of vortex shedding from a sphere assumes an important role because of its relevance to num...
The flow around bluff bodies is of great interest for a large number of engineering applications su...
An experimental method combined with boundary layer theory is given for evaluating the added mass of...
An experimental investigation of flow structures downstream of a circular cylinder and sphere immers...
The investigation of transitional flow past a sphere at the free surface is a challenging problem du...
This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the...
SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 489(621) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Tec...