i Summary: A radioassay for the measurement of cortisol binding capacity in human serum was developed and the results validated by radioimmuiioassay of serum corticosteroid binding globulin. The mini-scale method is simple, reliable and rapid, and avoids Separation of partitioned phases. The linear correlation between the free cortisol index and free cortisol concentration äs calculated by the two methods utilizing serum samples with normal and abnormal protein concentrations was r = 0.962 (n = 114, p < 0.001) and the regression equation was y = 3.51 6 — 2.632. The teehnique requires no preparation of reagents, and the assay can be performed in 45 minutes using 0.05 ml of serum or plasma. _ In recent years, assays of salivary cortisol ha...
After extraction of the sample (onfilterpaper) in the counting vial, cortisol is assayed by adding 5...
We report an iodine- 125 radloimmunoassay for cortisol in biological fluids, in which interfering bi...
We compared results obtained by (a) chemical (spec-trophotometric) and competitive protein-binding a...
Summary: A radioimmunological method for the sensitive estimation of plasma corticotropin immunoreac...
We evaluated a previously modified double-antibody ra-dioimmunoassay for serum cortisol. It was comp...
A radioimmunoassay technique has been developed for the measure-ment of cortisol in a single methyle...
A radioimmunoassay technique has been developed for the measurement of cortisol in a single methylen...
Summary: This article describes the synthesis of a pure cortisol-3-(0-carboxymethyl) oxime with its ...
SUMMARY A radioimmunoassay for plasma cortisol featuring the garnma-ermttmg radioligand 125I-iodohis...
We describe a direct, rapid, and specific procedure for the parallel radioimmunoassay for cortisol a...
Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced in response to stress. It is essential for maintaining health...
A radioimmunoassay procedure for cortisol is de-scribed that requires only 5.tl of serum or plasma. ...
Summary: A combined adsorption-gel filtration technique has been developed for the quantitation of t...
We describe a modified competitive protein-binding method for assay of plasma cortisol. Plasma sampl...
Summary: This paper describes a fully automated assay on the Serono SRI ™ for the measurement of cor...
After extraction of the sample (onfilterpaper) in the counting vial, cortisol is assayed by adding 5...
We report an iodine- 125 radloimmunoassay for cortisol in biological fluids, in which interfering bi...
We compared results obtained by (a) chemical (spec-trophotometric) and competitive protein-binding a...
Summary: A radioimmunological method for the sensitive estimation of plasma corticotropin immunoreac...
We evaluated a previously modified double-antibody ra-dioimmunoassay for serum cortisol. It was comp...
A radioimmunoassay technique has been developed for the measure-ment of cortisol in a single methyle...
A radioimmunoassay technique has been developed for the measurement of cortisol in a single methylen...
Summary: This article describes the synthesis of a pure cortisol-3-(0-carboxymethyl) oxime with its ...
SUMMARY A radioimmunoassay for plasma cortisol featuring the garnma-ermttmg radioligand 125I-iodohis...
We describe a direct, rapid, and specific procedure for the parallel radioimmunoassay for cortisol a...
Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced in response to stress. It is essential for maintaining health...
A radioimmunoassay procedure for cortisol is de-scribed that requires only 5.tl of serum or plasma. ...
Summary: A combined adsorption-gel filtration technique has been developed for the quantitation of t...
We describe a modified competitive protein-binding method for assay of plasma cortisol. Plasma sampl...
Summary: This paper describes a fully automated assay on the Serono SRI ™ for the measurement of cor...
After extraction of the sample (onfilterpaper) in the counting vial, cortisol is assayed by adding 5...
We report an iodine- 125 radloimmunoassay for cortisol in biological fluids, in which interfering bi...
We compared results obtained by (a) chemical (spec-trophotometric) and competitive protein-binding a...