The Glarus thrust is a prominent tectonic feature in the eastern Helvetic Alps that has been investigated by numerous authors. Based on stable isotope measurements (i.e. indirect evidence), it was suggested that fluids played a key role during deformation along the Glarus thrust (e.g. Burkhard and Kerrich, 1990, Burkhard et al., 1992, Badertscher et al. 2002); Abart and Ramseyer, 2002; Abart et al., 2002). Primary fluid inclusions are relicts of the fluid that was present during mineral formation and deformation (i.e. direct evidence). The main aim is to evaluate the importance of high-pressure methane-bearing fluids on the alteration above and below the Glarus thrust, on the formation of the Lochseite calc-mylonite and on thrusting itself....