A standardized core cadastral domain model, covering land registration and cadastre in a broad sense (multipurpose cadastre), will serve at least two important goals: 1. avoid reinventing and re-implementing the same functionality over and over again, but provide a extensible basis for efficient and effective cadastral system development based on a model driven architecture, and 2. enable involved parties, both within one country and between different countries, to communicate based on the shared ontology implied by the model. The contributions of this paper consist of an improved and extended version of the existing cadastra
This paper describes a Swedish approach construction a model of the cadastral domain. The National L...
© 2015 Dr. Melkamu MogesA cadastral system deals with land — a very important resource for sustainin...
Cadastre started simply as a public register of land boundaries and later went on to include the var...
must be flexible and generic because user requirements keep on changing due to new legislation, new ...
The move towards a standardized cadastral domain model is a challenging endeavour since the model mu...
Land administration systems are evolving towards an integrated land management paradigm designed to ...
Successful economies rely on effective land administration systems. A key contributor to land admini...
In this paper a series of remarks and observations is presented on the Cadastral Domain Model as pub...
gathering data on four key issues under the support of the UN-sponsored PCGIAP Working Group 3 on Ca...
With the certain regulation of unified real estate registration taken by the Property Law and the st...
Modeling is a term that refers to a variety of efforts, including data and process modeling. The dom...
Following recent worldwide developments and initiatives by FIG (Cadastre 2014) and UN, an object ori...
The different existing definitions of cadastre make a common understanding of the cadastral domain d...
In this paper a series of remarks and observations is presented on the Cadastral Domain Model as pub...
AbstractCadastres are always related to land: they are a creation of man as effect of his relationsh...
This paper describes a Swedish approach construction a model of the cadastral domain. The National L...
© 2015 Dr. Melkamu MogesA cadastral system deals with land — a very important resource for sustainin...
Cadastre started simply as a public register of land boundaries and later went on to include the var...
must be flexible and generic because user requirements keep on changing due to new legislation, new ...
The move towards a standardized cadastral domain model is a challenging endeavour since the model mu...
Land administration systems are evolving towards an integrated land management paradigm designed to ...
Successful economies rely on effective land administration systems. A key contributor to land admini...
In this paper a series of remarks and observations is presented on the Cadastral Domain Model as pub...
gathering data on four key issues under the support of the UN-sponsored PCGIAP Working Group 3 on Ca...
With the certain regulation of unified real estate registration taken by the Property Law and the st...
Modeling is a term that refers to a variety of efforts, including data and process modeling. The dom...
Following recent worldwide developments and initiatives by FIG (Cadastre 2014) and UN, an object ori...
The different existing definitions of cadastre make a common understanding of the cadastral domain d...
In this paper a series of remarks and observations is presented on the Cadastral Domain Model as pub...
AbstractCadastres are always related to land: they are a creation of man as effect of his relationsh...
This paper describes a Swedish approach construction a model of the cadastral domain. The National L...
© 2015 Dr. Melkamu MogesA cadastral system deals with land — a very important resource for sustainin...
Cadastre started simply as a public register of land boundaries and later went on to include the var...