Soft biometrics is a new form of biometric identification which utilizes labeled physical or behavioral traits. Al-though these traits intuitively have less discriminatory ca-pability than mensurate approaches, they offer several ad-vantages over traditional biometric techniques. Soft bio-metric traits can be typically described as labels and mea-surements which can be understood by people, allowing re-trieval and recognition based solely on human descriptions. Although being a key component of eyewitness evidence, conventional human descriptions can be considered to be unreliable. A novel method of obtaining human descrip-tions will be introduced which utilizes visual comparisons between subjects. The Elo rating system is used to infer rel...
Biometrics verification can be efficiently used for intrusion detection and intruder identification ...
Abstract — Soft biometric information extracted from a human body (e.g., height, gender, skin color,...
International audienceRecent research has explored the possibility of extracting ancillary informati...
Soft biometrics is a new form of biometric identification which utilizes labeled physical or behavio...
Soft biometrics is a new form of biometric identification which utilizes human descriptions of a sub...
Humans naturally use descriptions to verbally convey the appearance of an individual. Eyewitness des...
A new approach to soft biometrics aims to use human labelling as part of the process. This is consis...
The recent growth in CCTV systems and the challenges of automatically identifying humans under the a...
Innovation has formed much of the rich history in biometrics. The field of soft biometrics was origi...
The recent growth in CCTV systems and the challenges of automatically identifying humans under the a...
This study extends previous advances in soft biometrics and describes to what extent soft biometrics...
Copyright © 2012 Min-Gu Kim et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Com...
Soft biometrics provide cues that enable human identification from low quality video surveillance fo...
Soft biometrics enable human description and identification from low-quality surveillance footage. T...
The focus has been changed to multi-biometrics due to the security demands. The ancillary informatio...
Biometrics verification can be efficiently used for intrusion detection and intruder identification ...
Abstract — Soft biometric information extracted from a human body (e.g., height, gender, skin color,...
International audienceRecent research has explored the possibility of extracting ancillary informati...
Soft biometrics is a new form of biometric identification which utilizes labeled physical or behavio...
Soft biometrics is a new form of biometric identification which utilizes human descriptions of a sub...
Humans naturally use descriptions to verbally convey the appearance of an individual. Eyewitness des...
A new approach to soft biometrics aims to use human labelling as part of the process. This is consis...
The recent growth in CCTV systems and the challenges of automatically identifying humans under the a...
Innovation has formed much of the rich history in biometrics. The field of soft biometrics was origi...
The recent growth in CCTV systems and the challenges of automatically identifying humans under the a...
This study extends previous advances in soft biometrics and describes to what extent soft biometrics...
Copyright © 2012 Min-Gu Kim et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Com...
Soft biometrics provide cues that enable human identification from low quality video surveillance fo...
Soft biometrics enable human description and identification from low-quality surveillance footage. T...
The focus has been changed to multi-biometrics due to the security demands. The ancillary informatio...
Biometrics verification can be efficiently used for intrusion detection and intruder identification ...
Abstract — Soft biometric information extracted from a human body (e.g., height, gender, skin color,...
International audienceRecent research has explored the possibility of extracting ancillary informati...