5University of Lodz (Poland) CMOS sensors are being developed to equip a vertex detector oering the perfo-mances required for the physics programme at the International Linear Collider. The progress realised from Spring 2003 to Spring 2005 is exposed in this report. It addresses the exploration of new fabrication processes, the design of fast integrated signal pro-cessing micro-circuits, the assessment and improvement of the radiation tolerance, the reduction of the power dissipation, the thinning of the sensors, the design of a light mechanical support and cooling studies. Progresses were also achieved on a detector design exploiting the features of CMOS sensors. Since several performance requirements are dictated by the beamstrahlung elec...
Future high energy physics experiments require high luminosities and efficient and pure bottom and c...
The ILC will possibly be the next worldwide acceleration machine. The physics case requires unpreced...
International audienceCMOS sensors were successfully implemented in the STAR tracker [1]. LHC experi...
The physics programme at the International Linear Collider (ILC) calls for a vertex detector (VD) pr...
CMOS pixel sensors are developed by the IReS-LEPSI collaboration since 1999 for future vertex detect...
In the past year, the Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) Collaboration has taken signific...
In the past year, the Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) Collaboration has taken signific...
CMOS Pixel Sensors are making steady progress towards the specifications of the ILD vertex detector....
International audienceFast Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are now being studied for the high...
CMOS pixel sensors are a very attractive solution for future vertex detectors needing very high gran...
International audienceThis is part of a document, which is devoted to the developments of pixel dete...
CMOS pixel sensors (CPS) represent a novel technological approach to building charged particle detec...
The development of CMOS pixel sensors with column parallel read-out and integrated zero-suppression ...
The physics goals at the proposed future Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) pose challenging demands on ...
The vertex detectors at the International Linear Collider (ILC) (there will be two of them, one for ...
Future high energy physics experiments require high luminosities and efficient and pure bottom and c...
The ILC will possibly be the next worldwide acceleration machine. The physics case requires unpreced...
International audienceCMOS sensors were successfully implemented in the STAR tracker [1]. LHC experi...
The physics programme at the International Linear Collider (ILC) calls for a vertex detector (VD) pr...
CMOS pixel sensors are developed by the IReS-LEPSI collaboration since 1999 for future vertex detect...
In the past year, the Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) Collaboration has taken signific...
In the past year, the Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) Collaboration has taken signific...
CMOS Pixel Sensors are making steady progress towards the specifications of the ILD vertex detector....
International audienceFast Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are now being studied for the high...
CMOS pixel sensors are a very attractive solution for future vertex detectors needing very high gran...
International audienceThis is part of a document, which is devoted to the developments of pixel dete...
CMOS pixel sensors (CPS) represent a novel technological approach to building charged particle detec...
The development of CMOS pixel sensors with column parallel read-out and integrated zero-suppression ...
The physics goals at the proposed future Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) pose challenging demands on ...
The vertex detectors at the International Linear Collider (ILC) (there will be two of them, one for ...
Future high energy physics experiments require high luminosities and efficient and pure bottom and c...
The ILC will possibly be the next worldwide acceleration machine. The physics case requires unpreced...
International audienceCMOS sensors were successfully implemented in the STAR tracker [1]. LHC experi...