Cyclins are key regulators of the cell cycle in all eukaryotes. In alfalfa, we have previously isolated three 6-type cyclins. The closely related cycMsl and cycMs2 genes are expressed primarily during the G2 and M phases and are most likely mitotic cyclins; expression of the cycMs3 gene is induced in the Go-to-G1 transition, when cells reenter the cell cycle. B.y complementation of G1 cyclin-deficient yeast cells, a nove1 alfalfa cyclin, designated cycMs4, was isolated. The predicted amino acid sequence of the cycMs4 gene is most similar to that of the Arabidopsis cyclin 63 gene. CycMs4 and cyclin 63 belong to the class of D-type cyclins and contain PEST-rich regions and a retinoblastoma binding motif. When comparing expression levels in di...