(ou 50 K) et 300 K. Le resultat le plus important est la variation, en fonction de la tempkrature, durapport Fe3+/Fe2+ dii St l'effet de saut klectronique avec une energie d'activation dependant du minerai. Les resultats obtenus nous ont montre que les 5 mineraux peuvent etre classes en trois familles, suivant I'energie d'activation et la gamme de temperatures dans laquelle se manifeste l'effet de saut klectronique. Ces trois familles correspondent aussi St trois formules chimiques differentes proposkes par les resultats combinks d'analyse chimique et d'intensite Mossbauer. Abstract.- Five spinel chromites minerals from Madagascar, U. S. S. R., Iran and South Africa were studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy i...
The ferromagnesian micas are common rock-forming minerals, which are used in geological, mineralogic...
L'oxydation du Fe2+ et la distribution des cations de fer dans les sites tétrahédrique (A) et octahé...
Accurate crystal-chemical analysis of complex minerals such as tourmalines belonging to the elbaite-...
Cinq chromites naturels, provenant de Madagascar, U.R.S.S., Iran et de l'Afrique du Sud ont été étud...
de l'Est ont kt6 ktudiks en utilisant l'effet Mossbauer (ME) et la diffraction de rayons X...
A range of natural chrome ores, containing iron in two valence states, have been investigated using ...
Two specimens or natural chromite from the Oman ophiolite were studied using Mossbauer Spectroscopy ...
International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and their Applications (HYPERFINE) -- FEB 10-15, ...
Two specimens or natural chromite from the Oman ophiolite were studied using Mossbauer Spectroscopy ...
Mossbauer spectra for two riebeckite miner als were collected at temperatures in the range 4.2 to 50...
Mossbauer spectra for two riebeckite miner als were collected at temperatures in the range 4.2 to 50...
France were investigated by 57Fe M6ssbauer spectroscopy atroom temperature. The spectra were fitted ...
the basis of their Fe contents, these illites can be divided into an Fe-rich (>5 wt % Fe) and an ...
RBsumB.- Des tessons de ceramique ancienne, des paleo-sols et des sols recents de la plaine de Gorga...
Gold-bearing pyrite ores are refractory and must be pre-treated to break down the sulphides by oxida...
The ferromagnesian micas are common rock-forming minerals, which are used in geological, mineralogic...
L'oxydation du Fe2+ et la distribution des cations de fer dans les sites tétrahédrique (A) et octahé...
Accurate crystal-chemical analysis of complex minerals such as tourmalines belonging to the elbaite-...
Cinq chromites naturels, provenant de Madagascar, U.R.S.S., Iran et de l'Afrique du Sud ont été étud...
de l'Est ont kt6 ktudiks en utilisant l'effet Mossbauer (ME) et la diffraction de rayons X...
A range of natural chrome ores, containing iron in two valence states, have been investigated using ...
Two specimens or natural chromite from the Oman ophiolite were studied using Mossbauer Spectroscopy ...
International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and their Applications (HYPERFINE) -- FEB 10-15, ...
Two specimens or natural chromite from the Oman ophiolite were studied using Mossbauer Spectroscopy ...
Mossbauer spectra for two riebeckite miner als were collected at temperatures in the range 4.2 to 50...
Mossbauer spectra for two riebeckite miner als were collected at temperatures in the range 4.2 to 50...
France were investigated by 57Fe M6ssbauer spectroscopy atroom temperature. The spectra were fitted ...
the basis of their Fe contents, these illites can be divided into an Fe-rich (>5 wt % Fe) and an ...
RBsumB.- Des tessons de ceramique ancienne, des paleo-sols et des sols recents de la plaine de Gorga...
Gold-bearing pyrite ores are refractory and must be pre-treated to break down the sulphides by oxida...
The ferromagnesian micas are common rock-forming minerals, which are used in geological, mineralogic...
L'oxydation du Fe2+ et la distribution des cations de fer dans les sites tétrahédrique (A) et octahé...
Accurate crystal-chemical analysis of complex minerals such as tourmalines belonging to the elbaite-...