Professor Richardson and his collaborators have posure " did not fare as well financially when com-addressed an issue of importance, not only to agri- pared to the "northern " farms. However, there is culture but also to the general public (Richardson et some question as to whether or not sufficient depth al.). From the widest perspective, this paper explores and breadth of southern agriculture is reflected in the some of the tradeoffs to be grappled with by policy- representative farms specified to conclude that-"if makers in addressing the legitimate concerns of the anything, this analysis indicates agriculture in the impact of agriculture's chemical-intensive technolo- South would be more adversely affected than ...
Environmentalists attack agricultural pesticides substituting pesticides for cropland and to estimat...
Abstract (EPA), without considering the residues on food, What an economist argues about managing th...
Pesticides have become a major input for is complicated because several regions are involved commerc...
In an excellent analysis, Dr. Ghebremedhin full-time farmers differentiate into three sub-discusses ...
and to Carol Kramer for providing excellent per- as charged. spectives from which agricultural econo...
Dr. Henry has prepared a very thorough ment work, we tend to rely too much on anec-and thoughtful as...
The Christy and Conner paper entitled domestic processed food consumption. Two "Economic Implic...
Drs. Havlicek and Capps have made a beginning decisions to abandon irrigation in the Trans-Pecos in ...
As the farm financial crisis of the 1980s has faded EXPECTED NET BENEFITS RULE: AN from our collecti...
Bob Bergland issued a call for a full-scale na- PROBLEMS (REAL AND/OR IMAGINED) tional dialogue on t...
The South ' plays an important role in American value of $4.4 billion during 1970-74-accounting...
The purpose of this paper is to present some ideas ment, but agricultural development could also con...
Three of Randall's general viewpoints particu- are the means available for producing goods larl...
Biotechnology research promises to have a greater developments (Griliches; Schmitz and Seckler; impa...
In recent years, considerable national attention social welfare function in which the optimal level ...
Environmentalists attack agricultural pesticides substituting pesticides for cropland and to estimat...
Abstract (EPA), without considering the residues on food, What an economist argues about managing th...
Pesticides have become a major input for is complicated because several regions are involved commerc...
In an excellent analysis, Dr. Ghebremedhin full-time farmers differentiate into three sub-discusses ...
and to Carol Kramer for providing excellent per- as charged. spectives from which agricultural econo...
Dr. Henry has prepared a very thorough ment work, we tend to rely too much on anec-and thoughtful as...
The Christy and Conner paper entitled domestic processed food consumption. Two "Economic Implic...
Drs. Havlicek and Capps have made a beginning decisions to abandon irrigation in the Trans-Pecos in ...
As the farm financial crisis of the 1980s has faded EXPECTED NET BENEFITS RULE: AN from our collecti...
Bob Bergland issued a call for a full-scale na- PROBLEMS (REAL AND/OR IMAGINED) tional dialogue on t...
The South ' plays an important role in American value of $4.4 billion during 1970-74-accounting...
The purpose of this paper is to present some ideas ment, but agricultural development could also con...
Three of Randall's general viewpoints particu- are the means available for producing goods larl...
Biotechnology research promises to have a greater developments (Griliches; Schmitz and Seckler; impa...
In recent years, considerable national attention social welfare function in which the optimal level ...
Environmentalists attack agricultural pesticides substituting pesticides for cropland and to estimat...
Abstract (EPA), without considering the residues on food, What an economist argues about managing th...
Pesticides have become a major input for is complicated because several regions are involved commerc...