In the Dutch cadastral registration a cadastral object (real-estate object) can be a complete parcel, part of a parcel or a condominium right (apartment). The geometry of these legal objects are all based on a planar map which partitions the 2D space. In intensively used areas there is a tendency to use space above and under the surface (e.g. constructions on top of each other; infrastructure above and under the ground; an increasing number of cables and pipes; apartments above shops/offices/other apartments). From a legal point of view the current registration has proved to be still sufficient to register rights concerning 3D physical objects. However, the Netherlands ’ Kadaster wants to assure a sustainable, uniform and efficient registra...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
Property rights on real estate are registered on cadastral parcels. These parcels are the result of ...
SUMMARY In this paper the complications of current cadastral registration is outlined in case of cro...
In the Dutch cadastral registration a cadastral object (real-estate object) can be a complete parcel...
In the Dutch cadastral registration a cadastral object (real-estate object) is by definition 2D (a p...
The rights of cadastral objects may relate to spaces above or below the earth surface. The fact that...
The Land Registration Office (Cadastre) is mandatory to register the legal status of real estate obj...
After more than a decade of 3D cadastre research in the Netherlands, including detailed analysis of ...
After more than a decade of 3D cadastre research in the Netherlands, including detailed analysis of ...
After more than a decade of 3D cadastre research in the Netherlands, including detailed analysis of ...
This paper presents the design and implementation of the cadastral system extension for registration...
This article reports on the first 3D cadastral registration in The Netherlands, accomplished in Marc...
This article reports on the first 3D cadastral registration in The Netherlands, accomplished in Marc...
This paper reports on the first 3D cadastral registration of multi-level ownerships rights in the Ne...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
Property rights on real estate are registered on cadastral parcels. These parcels are the result of ...
SUMMARY In this paper the complications of current cadastral registration is outlined in case of cro...
In the Dutch cadastral registration a cadastral object (real-estate object) can be a complete parcel...
In the Dutch cadastral registration a cadastral object (real-estate object) is by definition 2D (a p...
The rights of cadastral objects may relate to spaces above or below the earth surface. The fact that...
The Land Registration Office (Cadastre) is mandatory to register the legal status of real estate obj...
After more than a decade of 3D cadastre research in the Netherlands, including detailed analysis of ...
After more than a decade of 3D cadastre research in the Netherlands, including detailed analysis of ...
After more than a decade of 3D cadastre research in the Netherlands, including detailed analysis of ...
This paper presents the design and implementation of the cadastral system extension for registration...
This article reports on the first 3D cadastral registration in The Netherlands, accomplished in Marc...
This article reports on the first 3D cadastral registration in The Netherlands, accomplished in Marc...
This paper reports on the first 3D cadastral registration of multi-level ownerships rights in the Ne...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
Property rights on real estate are registered on cadastral parcels. These parcels are the result of ...
SUMMARY In this paper the complications of current cadastral registration is outlined in case of cro...