Abstract — Real-time, performance and reliability as-pects are of vital importance in the entire system de-sign trajectory. Therefore, modelling techniques are needed that cover quantitative system aspects. This pa-per presents MoDeST, a modelling language that allows us to specify soft real-time constraints (i.e., stochastic timing) as well as hard real-time constraints. MoDeST combines conventional programming constructs – such as iteration, alternatives, atomic statements, and exception handling – with means to describe complex systems in a compo-sitional manner. The language is influenced by popular and user-friendly specification languages, and deals with compositionality in a light-weight process-algebra style. In summary, MoDeST (i) ...
AbstractStochastic behavior—the probabilistic evolution of a system in time—is essential to modeling...
In this tutorial we give an introduction to stochastic process algebras and their use in performance...
This paper surveys the language Modest, a Modelling and Description language for Stochastic and Time...
Real-time, performance and reliability aspects are of vital importance in the entire system design t...
This paper presents Modest (MOdeling and DEscription language for Stochastic Timed systems), a forma...
This paper presents Modest (MOdeling and DEscription language for Stochastic Timed systems), a forma...
Abstract—This paper presents MODEST (MOdeling and DEscription language for Stochastic Timed systems)...
AbstractA formal approach for the specification and analysis of concurrent systems is proposed which...
A real-time process algebra is presented that features stochastic delays governed by general distrib...
Modest is a high-level compositional modelling language for stochastic timed systems with a formal s...
Process algebras are formalisms for abstract modeling of systems for the purpose of qualitative veri...
A real-time process algebra is presented that features stochastic delays governed by general distrib...
) Pedro R. D'Argenio 1 , Joost-Pieter Katoen 2 , and Ed Brinksma 1 1 Dept. of Computer Science....
In this paper we present an extension of the process algebra modelling methodology which allows qual...
This paper introduces stochastic process algebras as an approach for the structured design and analy...
AbstractStochastic behavior—the probabilistic evolution of a system in time—is essential to modeling...
In this tutorial we give an introduction to stochastic process algebras and their use in performance...
This paper surveys the language Modest, a Modelling and Description language for Stochastic and Time...
Real-time, performance and reliability aspects are of vital importance in the entire system design t...
This paper presents Modest (MOdeling and DEscription language for Stochastic Timed systems), a forma...
This paper presents Modest (MOdeling and DEscription language for Stochastic Timed systems), a forma...
Abstract—This paper presents MODEST (MOdeling and DEscription language for Stochastic Timed systems)...
AbstractA formal approach for the specification and analysis of concurrent systems is proposed which...
A real-time process algebra is presented that features stochastic delays governed by general distrib...
Modest is a high-level compositional modelling language for stochastic timed systems with a formal s...
Process algebras are formalisms for abstract modeling of systems for the purpose of qualitative veri...
A real-time process algebra is presented that features stochastic delays governed by general distrib...
) Pedro R. D'Argenio 1 , Joost-Pieter Katoen 2 , and Ed Brinksma 1 1 Dept. of Computer Science....
In this paper we present an extension of the process algebra modelling methodology which allows qual...
This paper introduces stochastic process algebras as an approach for the structured design and analy...
AbstractStochastic behavior—the probabilistic evolution of a system in time—is essential to modeling...
In this tutorial we give an introduction to stochastic process algebras and their use in performance...
This paper surveys the language Modest, a Modelling and Description language for Stochastic and Time...