Membrane potential and resistance were measured in eggs, cleavage stages and blastulae of the South African toad Xenopus laevis, using intracellular microelectrodes. The membrane potential increased from-6-5±2mV in eggs to-57±80mV at the mid-blastula stage. The input resistance of fertile eggs ranged from 0-5 MCI to 50 Mfi corresponding to a specific resistance of 20-200 k^cm2. During the first two or three division cycles the input resistance usually decreased by a factor of 2-10 and then subsequently rose during the blastula stages from a mean value of 600 ± 100kO at stage 5 to 20±0-5 MCI at stage 8. At all developmental stages examined, point polarization of a surface cell in the embryo by rectangular current pulses of 0-5-6 x 10~8 A pro...