submitted for an evaluation of their bioarchaeological potential. The very few ancient biological remains recovered were limited to very small fragments of rotted charcoal of no interpretative value. No further work is recommended on the current material
Goals: To explore how the study of human skeletal remains and the collaboration of biological anthro...
This document is a student report containing the preliminary analysis of invertebrate remains at the...
As the primary evidence for understanding our human past, ‘traditional’ bioarchaeology is the macros...
Four sedimen t samples fr om deposits revealed by excavations on land to the rear of Numbers 9 and 1...
Two sediment samples (from two contexts) from ridge and furrow features were submitted for an evalua...
Three samples of sediment and three boxes of hand-collected bone from further excavation of deposits...
submitted for an evaluation of their potential for bioarchaeological analysis. The sediment samples ...
Excavations at Coopers Farm, Long Riston revealed deposits associated with a probable former medieva...
Samples collected during excavation of deposits associated with a timber platform or trackway, proba...
Two sediment samples and a single box of bone were submitted for assessment of their bioarchaeologic...
A series of sediment samples, a single small bag of hand-col1ected shell, and a small assemblage of ...
Four sediment sample from deposits revealed by excavations at York Railway Station were submitted fo...
This is an article accepted for publication in Human Biology, volume 82, 2010, following peer review...
In discussing the term “ bioarchaeology, ” Wright and Yoder ( 2003:44) write that “ Our ability to...
Eight sediment samples and two boxes of hand-col1ected bone, from deposits of 12th century to modern...
Goals: To explore how the study of human skeletal remains and the collaboration of biological anthro...
This document is a student report containing the preliminary analysis of invertebrate remains at the...
As the primary evidence for understanding our human past, ‘traditional’ bioarchaeology is the macros...
Four sedimen t samples fr om deposits revealed by excavations on land to the rear of Numbers 9 and 1...
Two sediment samples (from two contexts) from ridge and furrow features were submitted for an evalua...
Three samples of sediment and three boxes of hand-collected bone from further excavation of deposits...
submitted for an evaluation of their potential for bioarchaeological analysis. The sediment samples ...
Excavations at Coopers Farm, Long Riston revealed deposits associated with a probable former medieva...
Samples collected during excavation of deposits associated with a timber platform or trackway, proba...
Two sediment samples and a single box of bone were submitted for assessment of their bioarchaeologic...
A series of sediment samples, a single small bag of hand-col1ected shell, and a small assemblage of ...
Four sediment sample from deposits revealed by excavations at York Railway Station were submitted fo...
This is an article accepted for publication in Human Biology, volume 82, 2010, following peer review...
In discussing the term “ bioarchaeology, ” Wright and Yoder ( 2003:44) write that “ Our ability to...
Eight sediment samples and two boxes of hand-col1ected bone, from deposits of 12th century to modern...
Goals: To explore how the study of human skeletal remains and the collaboration of biological anthro...
This document is a student report containing the preliminary analysis of invertebrate remains at the...
As the primary evidence for understanding our human past, ‘traditional’ bioarchaeology is the macros...