Inspired by the important result that the space of cusp forms is generated by Poincaré sums, a triple system (G, (G,M)) is proposed in general and we are interested in whether analogous results hold in other circumstances. First I consider the case (G, (SLm(Z), slm(Z))) with G a cyclic group. In order to compute it, I generalize the core theorem in Gauss the-ory of quadratic forms from quadratic extensions to n-dimensional algebraic extensions and from over the integers to over any ring of integers which is a PID. By that generalization, I get analogous results to that of cusps forms for good cocycles. Second I consider the case (G, (Γ(N),M)) with G a cyclic group and the congruence subgroup Γ(N) in SLm(Z). In order to compute it and other...