Tall fescue, previously known as Festuca arundinaceum, is a cool season, perennial, sod-forming bunchgrass. It is a coarse and long-lived grass, with each bunch having 10 to 30 hollow stems, also known as culms, that are 1- 6 ft. tall (0.5-2 m). The culms bear a branched flowering structure called a panicle with 5 to 15 flower spikelets that are to in. (10-19 mm) long, each spikelet containing 3 to 10 florets. The lemmas are about 1/3 in. (7-9 mm) long and have awns that are 1/100 to 2/10 in. (0.3-4 mm) long. The leaf blades are 4 to 24 in. (10-61 cm) long and 0.2 to 4.0 in. (4-10 mm) wide. Mature panicles have a purplish cast which helps to distinguish them from other grasses. The ciliate auricles (earlike structures at the base of the l...