Heterozygous chromosome rearrangements such as recip-rocal translocations are most accurately displayed as two-dimensional linkage maps. Standard linkage mapping software packages, such as MapMaker, generate only one-dimensional maps and so reciprocal translocations appear as clusters of markers, even though they originate from two nonhomolo-gous chromosomes. To more accurately map these regions, researchers have developed statistical methods that use the variance in map distance to distinguish among the four segments (two translocation, two interstitial) of the translo-cation. In this study, we describe modifications to one of these protocols, that proposed by Livingstone et al. (2000). We also introduce QuadMap, a new software application...
BackgroundRecent advances in nucleic acid sequencing technologies have led to a dramatic increase in...
The process of locating quantitative trait loci (QTLs) using genetic linkage maps, an ordered array ...
A theoretical approach for linkage mapping the genome of any higher eukaryote is described. It uses ...
A simulation study was used to examine the consequences of karyotypic rearrangements on molecular ge...
This paper is concerned with a novel statistical–genetic approach for the construction of linkage ma...
Genetic linkage maps describe the arrangement of genes and DNA markers according to their pattern of...
The genetic anatomy of a species consists of the de-scription of the linear arrangement of its genes...
Motivation Linkage maps are used to identify the location of genes responsible for traits and diseas...
Key message: Probabilistic graphical models show great potential for robust and reliable constructio...
We have devised a simple method for ordering markers on a chromosome and determining the distances b...
The algorithms that drive the map+ program for locus-oriented linkage mapping are presented. They de...
Motivation: Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) generates datasets that are challenging to handle by curr...
We analyze a model of the distribution of linkage disruption points (breakpoints) along the chromoso...
We used LDMAP (Maniatis et al. 2002) to analyse SNP data spanning chromosome 22 (Dawson et al. 2002)...
KEY MESSAGE: Probabilistic graphical models show great potential for robust and reliable constructio...
BackgroundRecent advances in nucleic acid sequencing technologies have led to a dramatic increase in...
The process of locating quantitative trait loci (QTLs) using genetic linkage maps, an ordered array ...
A theoretical approach for linkage mapping the genome of any higher eukaryote is described. It uses ...
A simulation study was used to examine the consequences of karyotypic rearrangements on molecular ge...
This paper is concerned with a novel statistical–genetic approach for the construction of linkage ma...
Genetic linkage maps describe the arrangement of genes and DNA markers according to their pattern of...
The genetic anatomy of a species consists of the de-scription of the linear arrangement of its genes...
Motivation Linkage maps are used to identify the location of genes responsible for traits and diseas...
Key message: Probabilistic graphical models show great potential for robust and reliable constructio...
We have devised a simple method for ordering markers on a chromosome and determining the distances b...
The algorithms that drive the map+ program for locus-oriented linkage mapping are presented. They de...
Motivation: Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) generates datasets that are challenging to handle by curr...
We analyze a model of the distribution of linkage disruption points (breakpoints) along the chromoso...
We used LDMAP (Maniatis et al. 2002) to analyse SNP data spanning chromosome 22 (Dawson et al. 2002)...
KEY MESSAGE: Probabilistic graphical models show great potential for robust and reliable constructio...
BackgroundRecent advances in nucleic acid sequencing technologies have led to a dramatic increase in...
The process of locating quantitative trait loci (QTLs) using genetic linkage maps, an ordered array ...
A theoretical approach for linkage mapping the genome of any higher eukaryote is described. It uses ...