ABSTRACT The problems posed to mankind by corruption due to the lack of its definitive and universalistic conceptualisation and, its resultant conscious and unconscious institutionalisation, in most cases, across various polities of the world form the core of the analysis of this paper. Specifically, zero-ing in, on Nigeria and other developing polities of Africa, with concrete examples, this paper examines the concept of corruption and its hydra-headedness in our society as does, what to be done in combating the increasing spread of its tumour to all fibres of the socio-economic, political and cultural physiology of these nations. In the process, it was revealed that, the lack of definitional unanimity on the concept has made its mere expl...
Evidently, the spate of corruption in Nigeria is worrisome. This is as it has defied every leadershi...
Corruption is a dishonest exploitation or use of power for personal gain. It is the extreme act of i...
Nigeria, and indeed many African countries, rank high on both the corruption and failed state indice...
ABSTRACT Corruption has been the bane of legitimacy, democratic stability and socio-economic and pol...
Any attempt to understand the developmental and democratic predicament of Nigeria should take into c...
ABSTRACT Corruption is a moral decadence that has eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigerian politi...
The paper examined critically the various ways through which corruption had became institutionalized...
Corruption is the direct or indirect act of violence aimed at exploiting unmerited gain and or advan...
This paper sets out to examine the effects of corruption on the overall development of Nigeria with ...
The global increase in the cases of corruption is as a result of social disorganization has been per...
The menace of corruption in Nigeria is very pervasive with global implications. So pervasive is corr...
In an attempt to justify certain forms of political arrangements, assorted theories about the nature...
Given the notoriously recurring character of corruption as a social phenomenon in the Nigerian polit...
Corruption pervades every continent of the world however it is endemic in Nigeria. It is said to be ...
This research work, corruption in Nigeria: a culture or retrogressive factor presented corruption as...
Evidently, the spate of corruption in Nigeria is worrisome. This is as it has defied every leadershi...
Corruption is a dishonest exploitation or use of power for personal gain. It is the extreme act of i...
Nigeria, and indeed many African countries, rank high on both the corruption and failed state indice...
ABSTRACT Corruption has been the bane of legitimacy, democratic stability and socio-economic and pol...
Any attempt to understand the developmental and democratic predicament of Nigeria should take into c...
ABSTRACT Corruption is a moral decadence that has eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigerian politi...
The paper examined critically the various ways through which corruption had became institutionalized...
Corruption is the direct or indirect act of violence aimed at exploiting unmerited gain and or advan...
This paper sets out to examine the effects of corruption on the overall development of Nigeria with ...
The global increase in the cases of corruption is as a result of social disorganization has been per...
The menace of corruption in Nigeria is very pervasive with global implications. So pervasive is corr...
In an attempt to justify certain forms of political arrangements, assorted theories about the nature...
Given the notoriously recurring character of corruption as a social phenomenon in the Nigerian polit...
Corruption pervades every continent of the world however it is endemic in Nigeria. It is said to be ...
This research work, corruption in Nigeria: a culture or retrogressive factor presented corruption as...
Evidently, the spate of corruption in Nigeria is worrisome. This is as it has defied every leadershi...
Corruption is a dishonest exploitation or use of power for personal gain. It is the extreme act of i...
Nigeria, and indeed many African countries, rank high on both the corruption and failed state indice...