PN junction diodes and Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are used in a wide variety of switching applications, such as, TV deflection circuits, motor drives, switched mode power supplies and others. In most of these applications, the diodes and transistors are used for operation at frequencies less than 100 kHz. The limiting mechanism for the speed of operation is the presence of stored minority charge during the ON state and the reverse recovery time required for removing these stored charges. The uni-polar devices like Schottky and MOS are inherently fast because of absence of minority charge storage but also have the disadvantage of lower reverse breakdown voltage and higher heat dissipation in comparison to bipolar devices. The Insula...
High power silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor devices are now commercially available on a fast grow...
Abstract — In this paper, some high voltage Bipolar Junction Transistors are presented and compared ...
Moore\u27s Law influences more than just the speed of the latest microprocessor. The law drives many...
The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a minority-carrier device with high input impedance ...
Abstract: Bipolar semiconductor devices are often used as switches in very high power electronic cir...
This chapter introduces the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) operation and then presents the theory...
Power electronic devices are crucial components of power converter systems. The evolution of power d...
The IGBT has become the device of choice in many high-voltage-power electronic applications, by virt...
The use of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) have enabled better switching performance than ...
Abstract:- Power semiconductor devices are the key electronic components used in power electronic sy...
A bipolar transistor is a semiconductor device commonly used for amplification. The device can ampli...
This paper presents new gallium arsenide power Schottky diodes with blocking voltages of some hundre...
Historically, Power Semiconductor devices have been divided into three broad categories: diodes, tra...
Infineon Technologies has been investigating ways to implement their new technological advancements ...
This article proposes a thyristor conduction-insulated gate bipolar transistor (TC-IGBT) with a p-n-...
High power silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor devices are now commercially available on a fast grow...
Abstract — In this paper, some high voltage Bipolar Junction Transistors are presented and compared ...
Moore\u27s Law influences more than just the speed of the latest microprocessor. The law drives many...
The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a minority-carrier device with high input impedance ...
Abstract: Bipolar semiconductor devices are often used as switches in very high power electronic cir...
This chapter introduces the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) operation and then presents the theory...
Power electronic devices are crucial components of power converter systems. The evolution of power d...
The IGBT has become the device of choice in many high-voltage-power electronic applications, by virt...
The use of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) have enabled better switching performance than ...
Abstract:- Power semiconductor devices are the key electronic components used in power electronic sy...
A bipolar transistor is a semiconductor device commonly used for amplification. The device can ampli...
This paper presents new gallium arsenide power Schottky diodes with blocking voltages of some hundre...
Historically, Power Semiconductor devices have been divided into three broad categories: diodes, tra...
Infineon Technologies has been investigating ways to implement their new technological advancements ...
This article proposes a thyristor conduction-insulated gate bipolar transistor (TC-IGBT) with a p-n-...
High power silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor devices are now commercially available on a fast grow...
Abstract — In this paper, some high voltage Bipolar Junction Transistors are presented and compared ...
Moore\u27s Law influences more than just the speed of the latest microprocessor. The law drives many...