Objectives. We sought to identify predictors of lead concentrations in the blood, tibias, and patellae of older adults and to describe differences by gender, race/ ethnicity, and other factors that can influence lead toxicokinetics and, thus modify health effects. Methods. Participants aged 50 to 70 years (N=1140) were randomly identified from selected neighborhoods in Baltimore, Maryland. We measured lead con-centrations by anodic stripping voltammetry (in blood) and 109Cd-induced K-shell x-ray fluorescence (in bone). We used multiple linear regression to identify pre-dictors of lead concentrations. Results. Mean (SD) lead concentrations in blood, tibias, and patellae were 3.5 (2.4) µg/dL, 18.9 (12.5) µg/g, and 6.8 (18.1) µg/g, respectivel...