Fluorescence is a physical process whereby light is absorbed by an atom/molecule and reemitted at a longer, lower energy, wavelength. Fluorescence in the ocean environment is most common in corals and jellies. The biological of this fluorescence is widely unknown. The unique hydromedusae Olindias formosa has fluorescent patches at its bell tentacle tips. This fluorescence has an emission maximum at 528 nm. Attraction experiments were done with two different species of Sebastes, under blue, yellow, and white illumination conditions. Both the time the fish spent near the medusa and the number of attacks the fish made toward the lures was measured. The data showed an attraction to the fluorescent lures, most notably with the number of attacks ...
Bioluminescence is a light production phenomena performed by means of chemical reactions or cellular...
7 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm.In recent years, biofluorescence has been observed in an incre...
Ambient light intensity is a critical factor affecting species distribution, including the sea anemo...
Fluorescent proteins function as a prey attractant: experimental evidence from the hydromedusa Olind...
Bioluminescence (light production) and fluorescence (re-emission of absorbed radiation as light) are...
Fluorescence in marine organisms is a common phenomenon, yet the anatomical structures from which it...
Abstract Background Natural red fluorescence is particularly conspicuous in the eyes of some small, ...
<div><p>The discovery of fluorescent proteins has revolutionized experimental biology. Whereas the m...
The discovery of fluorescent proteins has revolutionized experimental biology. Whereas the majority ...
The light environment in water bodies changes with depth due to the absorption of short and long wav...
The discovery of fluorescent proteins has revolutionized experimental biology. Whereas the majority ...
Visual signals based on colored pigments can be unreliable in aquatic environments, because the opti...
BACKGROUND: At depths below 10 m, reefs are dominated by blue-green light because seawater selective...
Background. At depths below 10 m, reefs are dominated by blue-green light because seawater selective...
Marine environments are visual domains restricted regarding light characteristics. Overall, blue mon...
Bioluminescence is a light production phenomena performed by means of chemical reactions or cellular...
7 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm.In recent years, biofluorescence has been observed in an incre...
Ambient light intensity is a critical factor affecting species distribution, including the sea anemo...
Fluorescent proteins function as a prey attractant: experimental evidence from the hydromedusa Olind...
Bioluminescence (light production) and fluorescence (re-emission of absorbed radiation as light) are...
Fluorescence in marine organisms is a common phenomenon, yet the anatomical structures from which it...
Abstract Background Natural red fluorescence is particularly conspicuous in the eyes of some small, ...
<div><p>The discovery of fluorescent proteins has revolutionized experimental biology. Whereas the m...
The discovery of fluorescent proteins has revolutionized experimental biology. Whereas the majority ...
The light environment in water bodies changes with depth due to the absorption of short and long wav...
The discovery of fluorescent proteins has revolutionized experimental biology. Whereas the majority ...
Visual signals based on colored pigments can be unreliable in aquatic environments, because the opti...
BACKGROUND: At depths below 10 m, reefs are dominated by blue-green light because seawater selective...
Background. At depths below 10 m, reefs are dominated by blue-green light because seawater selective...
Marine environments are visual domains restricted regarding light characteristics. Overall, blue mon...
Bioluminescence is a light production phenomena performed by means of chemical reactions or cellular...
7 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm.In recent years, biofluorescence has been observed in an incre...
Ambient light intensity is a critical factor affecting species distribution, including the sea anemo...