from ENAC (French University for Civil Aviation), Toulouse, France, as an electrical engineer, majoring in digital communications. His researches include GPS/GALILEO interoperability as well as GNSS receiver design. Dr. Gérard Lachapelle holds a CRC/iCORE Chair in Wireless Location in the Department of Geomatics Engineering. He has been involved with GPS developments and applications since 1980 and has authored/co-authored numerous related publications and software. More information is available on
The idea of an autonomous car has long been a dream. Now, thanks to new technologies coming on the m...
Technical University Munich, Germany and has a MSc in Telecommunication Engineering. His scientific ...
Abstract. Global navigation satellite systems, e.g. the cur-rent GPS and the future European Galileo...
gineering, University College Cork. His research in-terests are in the area of software receivers fo...
systems for pedestrian and vehicular navigation. Dr. Gérard Lachapelle is a Professor of Geomatics E...
Dr. Mark Petovello is a senior research engineer in the Position, Location and Navigation (PLAN) gro...
Calgary. He has experience in several areas of GPS and surveying. Currently he is under contact to K...
of teaching and research activities on CNS systems at ENAC, B. Roturier is currently in charge of G...
processing. Dr. Gérard Lachapelle holds a CRC/iCORE chair in Wireless Location. He has been involved...
both from the University of Calgary. His current research is focused on pedestrian navigation and ki...
software development, the integration of GPS with low cost sensors and the mitigation of multipath. ...
Since that time, he has been working with various aspects of satellite based positioning methods, in...
Dr. Mark Petovello is a senior research engineer in the Position, Location and Navigation (PLAN) gro...
For engineering applications high precision GPS with survey grade receivers allows positioning in re...
at the University of Calgary. Since then he has worked in several areas of GPS including GPS surveyi...
The idea of an autonomous car has long been a dream. Now, thanks to new technologies coming on the m...
Technical University Munich, Germany and has a MSc in Telecommunication Engineering. His scientific ...
Abstract. Global navigation satellite systems, e.g. the cur-rent GPS and the future European Galileo...
gineering, University College Cork. His research in-terests are in the area of software receivers fo...
systems for pedestrian and vehicular navigation. Dr. Gérard Lachapelle is a Professor of Geomatics E...
Dr. Mark Petovello is a senior research engineer in the Position, Location and Navigation (PLAN) gro...
Calgary. He has experience in several areas of GPS and surveying. Currently he is under contact to K...
of teaching and research activities on CNS systems at ENAC, B. Roturier is currently in charge of G...
processing. Dr. Gérard Lachapelle holds a CRC/iCORE chair in Wireless Location. He has been involved...
both from the University of Calgary. His current research is focused on pedestrian navigation and ki...
software development, the integration of GPS with low cost sensors and the mitigation of multipath. ...
Since that time, he has been working with various aspects of satellite based positioning methods, in...
Dr. Mark Petovello is a senior research engineer in the Position, Location and Navigation (PLAN) gro...
For engineering applications high precision GPS with survey grade receivers allows positioning in re...
at the University of Calgary. Since then he has worked in several areas of GPS including GPS surveyi...
The idea of an autonomous car has long been a dream. Now, thanks to new technologies coming on the m...
Technical University Munich, Germany and has a MSc in Telecommunication Engineering. His scientific ...
Abstract. Global navigation satellite systems, e.g. the cur-rent GPS and the future European Galileo...