Abstract. Since direct numerical simulations (DNS) of natural convection in a differen-tially heated cavity can not be performed at high Ra-numbers, a dynamically less complex mathematical formulation is sought. In the quest for such a formulation, we consider regularizations (smooth approximations) of the nonlinearity. The regularization method basically alters the convective terms to reduce the production of small scales of motion by means of vortex stretching. In doing so, we propose to preserve the symmetry and con-servation properties of the convective terms exactly. This requirement yields a novel class of regularizations that restrain the convective production of smaller and smaller scales of motion by means of vortex stretching in a...
The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations constitute an excellent mathematical modelization of turb...
We propose to regularize the convective term in the Navier-Stokes equations in such a manner that th...
Traditionally turbulence modeling of industrial flows in complex geometries have been solved using R...
Since direct numerical simulations (DNS) of natural convection in a differentially heated cavity can...
Since direct numerical simulations of buoyancy driven flows cannot be computed at high Rayleigh numb...
Since direct numerical simulations of natural convection in a differentially heated cavity cannot be...
Since direct numerical simulations of natural convection flows cannot be performed at high Ra-number...
This work is devoted to the study of turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cav...
This work is devoted to the study of turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cav...
We consider regularizations of the convective term that preserve symmetry and conservation propertie...
Since direct numerical simulations cannot be computed at high Reynolds numbers, a dynamically less ...
We consider regularizations of the convective term in the Navier-Stokes equations that preserve the ...
Since direct numerical simulation (DNS) cannot be performed at high Reynolds number, a dynamically l...
The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations constitute an excellent mathematical modelization of turb...
This work is devoted to the development of efficient methods for the numerical simulation of incomp...
The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations constitute an excellent mathematical modelization of turb...
We propose to regularize the convective term in the Navier-Stokes equations in such a manner that th...
Traditionally turbulence modeling of industrial flows in complex geometries have been solved using R...
Since direct numerical simulations (DNS) of natural convection in a differentially heated cavity can...
Since direct numerical simulations of buoyancy driven flows cannot be computed at high Rayleigh numb...
Since direct numerical simulations of natural convection in a differentially heated cavity cannot be...
Since direct numerical simulations of natural convection flows cannot be performed at high Ra-number...
This work is devoted to the study of turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cav...
This work is devoted to the study of turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cav...
We consider regularizations of the convective term that preserve symmetry and conservation propertie...
Since direct numerical simulations cannot be computed at high Reynolds numbers, a dynamically less ...
We consider regularizations of the convective term in the Navier-Stokes equations that preserve the ...
Since direct numerical simulation (DNS) cannot be performed at high Reynolds number, a dynamically l...
The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations constitute an excellent mathematical modelization of turb...
This work is devoted to the development of efficient methods for the numerical simulation of incomp...
The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations constitute an excellent mathematical modelization of turb...
We propose to regularize the convective term in the Navier-Stokes equations in such a manner that th...
Traditionally turbulence modeling of industrial flows in complex geometries have been solved using R...