Student learning with performance-based, in-class and leaner-centered, on-line exams

  • Katherine Greenberg
  • Jessica N. Lester
  • Kathy Evans
  • Michele Williams
  • Carolyn Hacker
  • Olivia Halic
Publication date
January 2009


The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of students with performance-based, in-class and learner-centered, online assessment and the effects of these formats on comprehensive exam scores in an educational psychology course required of participants in a teacher education program. In our quantitative analysis, we investigated the effects of in-class and online exams on undergraduate students ’ performance on an in-class comprehensive final (n=141). Students were randomly assigned by course section to take one proctored exam in-class and two other unit exams online in a learner-centered format. At the end of the course, students in all sections took a proctored comprehensive final, consisting of a series of multiple choice ques...

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