Abstract. A comprehensive numerical modeling framework was developed to estimate the effects of collective global changes upon ozone pollution in the US in 2050. The frame-work consists of the global climate and chemistry models, PCM (Parallel Climate Model) and MOZART-2 (Model for Ozone and Related Chemical Tracers v.2), coupled with re-gional meteorology and chemistry models, MM5 (Mesoscale Meteorological model) and CMAQ (Community Multi-scale Air Quality model). The modeling system was applied for two 10-year simulations: 1990–1999 as a present-day base case and 2045–2054 as a future case. For the current decade, the daily maximum 8-h moving average (DM8H) ozone mix-ing ratio distributions for spring, summer and fall showed good agreemen...
Changes in global climate and pollutant emissions are very likely to continue in the coming decades ...
Abstract. We investigate the response of surface ozone (O3) to future climate change in the eastern ...
[1] An integrated global model of climate, tropospheric gas phase chemistry, and aerosols has been u...
A comprehensive numerical modeling framework was developed to estimate the effects of collective glo...
To understand more fully the effects of global changes on ambient concentrations of ozone and partic...
This paper provides a synthesis of results that have emerged from recent modeling studies of the pot...
This paper provides a synthesis of results that have emerged from recent modeling studies of the pot...
The impact that changes in future climate, anthropogenic US emissions, background tropospheric compo...
The impact that changes in future climate, anthropogenic US emissions, background tropospheric compo...
This dissertation presents the development and evaluation of a comprehensive numerical air quality m...
The impact that changes in future climate, anthropogenic US emissions, background tropospheric compo...
Reproducing the properties of regional ozone air quality is always a challenge for global at-mospher...
The Models-3/Community Multi-scale Air Quality modeling system (CMAQ), coupled with Goddard Institut...
134 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008.This research analyzes potent...
Abstract. The effect of climate change on population-weighted concentrations of particulate matter (...
Changes in global climate and pollutant emissions are very likely to continue in the coming decades ...
Abstract. We investigate the response of surface ozone (O3) to future climate change in the eastern ...
[1] An integrated global model of climate, tropospheric gas phase chemistry, and aerosols has been u...
A comprehensive numerical modeling framework was developed to estimate the effects of collective glo...
To understand more fully the effects of global changes on ambient concentrations of ozone and partic...
This paper provides a synthesis of results that have emerged from recent modeling studies of the pot...
This paper provides a synthesis of results that have emerged from recent modeling studies of the pot...
The impact that changes in future climate, anthropogenic US emissions, background tropospheric compo...
The impact that changes in future climate, anthropogenic US emissions, background tropospheric compo...
This dissertation presents the development and evaluation of a comprehensive numerical air quality m...
The impact that changes in future climate, anthropogenic US emissions, background tropospheric compo...
Reproducing the properties of regional ozone air quality is always a challenge for global at-mospher...
The Models-3/Community Multi-scale Air Quality modeling system (CMAQ), coupled with Goddard Institut...
134 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008.This research analyzes potent...
Abstract. The effect of climate change on population-weighted concentrations of particulate matter (...
Changes in global climate and pollutant emissions are very likely to continue in the coming decades ...
Abstract. We investigate the response of surface ozone (O3) to future climate change in the eastern ...
[1] An integrated global model of climate, tropospheric gas phase chemistry, and aerosols has been u...