Soils are shallow to bedrock or clayey restrictive layer present ( 4 to 10 inches average). Precipitation is usually winter snow. Soils are frequently saturated to the surface in the winter. Soil moisture regime is frigid. Vegetation Description Potential native plant community is dominated by low sagebrush and Sandberg bluegrass. Bottlebrush squirreltail and Thurbers Needlegrass are other important grasses. A variety of forbs may be present. Eventual cover might be 60 % grass, 10 % forbs and 30 % shrub, but some areas may show bare ground. Stiff sagebrush may be associated with low sagebrush in some areas at the center of the range, and completely replaces low sage in central Oregon and Washington. Disturbance Description Fire kills low sa...
The physiographic position and taxonomic identity of soils of a Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tri...
Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum [L] Gaertm. and Agropyron desertorum [Fisch.] Schult.) has b...
Dominant plant species are often used as indicators of site potential in forest and rangelands. Howe...
Snow pack is retained for much of the year, the growing season is short and degree days (days warm e...
This type occupies moist, productive rolling upland sites. Elevation ranges from 4000 ' to 9000...
This report presents an ecological description of the natural vegetation in the Cold Creek Valley lo...
Wyoming Sagebrush Steppe is found in continental, semi-arid climate, highly variable annual precipi...
Soil temperature and moisture data were collected between 1983 and 1986 on 1 forest and 11 sagebrush...
The legacy effects of improper grazing regimes in the pre-1936 Taylor Grazing Act era and historical...
This PNVG was historically present on nearly all uplands in the region except on the most edaphicall...
Sagebrush stands on the Humboldt National Forest, northeastern Nevada, were classified by two-way in...
Vegetation changes associated with climate shifts and anthropogenic disturbance have major impacts o...
The dominant shrubs were sagebrush and spiny hopsage; the herbs were dominated by cheatgrass and San...
Different kinds of A-horizon soil-surface types occur on loessmantled xerollic Orthids and Argids in...
More frequent wildfires and incidences of mega-fires have increased the pressure for fuel treatments...
The physiographic position and taxonomic identity of soils of a Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tri...
Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum [L] Gaertm. and Agropyron desertorum [Fisch.] Schult.) has b...
Dominant plant species are often used as indicators of site potential in forest and rangelands. Howe...
Snow pack is retained for much of the year, the growing season is short and degree days (days warm e...
This type occupies moist, productive rolling upland sites. Elevation ranges from 4000 ' to 9000...
This report presents an ecological description of the natural vegetation in the Cold Creek Valley lo...
Wyoming Sagebrush Steppe is found in continental, semi-arid climate, highly variable annual precipi...
Soil temperature and moisture data were collected between 1983 and 1986 on 1 forest and 11 sagebrush...
The legacy effects of improper grazing regimes in the pre-1936 Taylor Grazing Act era and historical...
This PNVG was historically present on nearly all uplands in the region except on the most edaphicall...
Sagebrush stands on the Humboldt National Forest, northeastern Nevada, were classified by two-way in...
Vegetation changes associated with climate shifts and anthropogenic disturbance have major impacts o...
The dominant shrubs were sagebrush and spiny hopsage; the herbs were dominated by cheatgrass and San...
Different kinds of A-horizon soil-surface types occur on loessmantled xerollic Orthids and Argids in...
More frequent wildfires and incidences of mega-fires have increased the pressure for fuel treatments...
The physiographic position and taxonomic identity of soils of a Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tri...
Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum [L] Gaertm. and Agropyron desertorum [Fisch.] Schult.) has b...
Dominant plant species are often used as indicators of site potential in forest and rangelands. Howe...