and Philip Lane for sharing their cross-country data on foreign asset positions. We also thank participants at several universities and conferences. Financial support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. Global financial imbalances can be the outcome of financial integration when countries differ in financial markets development. Countries with more ad-vanced financial markets accumulate foreign liabilities in a gradual, long-lasting process. Differences in financial development also affect the composi-tion of foreign portfolios: countries with negative net foreign asset positions maintain positive net holdings of non-diversifiable equity and FDI. Three em-pirical observations motivate our analysis: (1) financial...
In order to answer the question whether more integrated financial markets are characterized by less ...
The Global Imbalances that contributed to the financial crisis (2007-2010) are still present, and th...
2006 This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expre...
and Philip Lane for sharing their cross-country data on foreign asset positions. We also thank parti...
Large and persistent global financial imbalances need not be the harbinger of a world financial cras...
titled “Capital markets liberalization, savings and global imbalances” Large global financial imbala...
In recent decades, foreign assets and liabilities in advanced countries have grown rapidly relative ...
In recent decades, foreign assets and liabilities in advanced countries have grown rapidly relative ...
We investigate the relationship between a country's domestic financial development and the (composit...
This paper focuses on the dynamics of international financial integration for a set of 13 industrial...
We investigate the role of budget balances, financial development and openness, in the evolution of ...
Abstract: This paper addresses the popular view that differences in financial development explain th...
The dissertation pursues the question of how increasing financial integration impacts real economic ...
In recent decades, foreign assets and liabilities in advanced countries have grown rapidly relative ...
We investigate the role of budget balances, financial development and openness, in the evolution of ...
In order to answer the question whether more integrated financial markets are characterized by less ...
The Global Imbalances that contributed to the financial crisis (2007-2010) are still present, and th...
2006 This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expre...
and Philip Lane for sharing their cross-country data on foreign asset positions. We also thank parti...
Large and persistent global financial imbalances need not be the harbinger of a world financial cras...
titled “Capital markets liberalization, savings and global imbalances” Large global financial imbala...
In recent decades, foreign assets and liabilities in advanced countries have grown rapidly relative ...
In recent decades, foreign assets and liabilities in advanced countries have grown rapidly relative ...
We investigate the relationship between a country's domestic financial development and the (composit...
This paper focuses on the dynamics of international financial integration for a set of 13 industrial...
We investigate the role of budget balances, financial development and openness, in the evolution of ...
Abstract: This paper addresses the popular view that differences in financial development explain th...
The dissertation pursues the question of how increasing financial integration impacts real economic ...
In recent decades, foreign assets and liabilities in advanced countries have grown rapidly relative ...
We investigate the role of budget balances, financial development and openness, in the evolution of ...
In order to answer the question whether more integrated financial markets are characterized by less ...
The Global Imbalances that contributed to the financial crisis (2007-2010) are still present, and th...
2006 This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expre...