Report and Review of the Literature A CASE TO REMEMBER

  • Retractile Mesenteritis
  • Sreekala P. Satheesh M. D
  • Medical Resident
  • Sreekala P. Satheesh
  • Sammy Ho
  • James H. Grendell
Publication date
December 2014


T he patient is a 48-year-old male with no signifi-cant past medical or surgical history who pre-sented with a day history of intense abdominal pain, associated with nausea and vomiting. Pain was described as “band-like ” across the mid-abdomen, exacerbated by oral intake. He denied fever, chills, change in bowel habit, dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss or recent travel except for a cruise trip one-month prior, when he experienced an episode of diar-rhea. The patient had been complaining of intermittent abdominal pain for the last six months. Previous inves-tigation including colonoscopy and CT scan was neg-ative. Pain was usually relieved by limiting to a clear liquid diet and he denied tobacco or alcohol use. His grandmother died of col...

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