Stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α) moving with speeds ( 0,3 c – 0,99 c) creates baryons and mesons. Stable electrons moving with speeds ( 0,99 c – c) creates leptons (µ−, τ−), neutrinos (νe, νµ, ντ) and bosons W +, W-, Z. Speeds of electrons and protons in atoms are smaller. For example: An electron moving at a speed ve = 0,003c creates spectral line Hα. Weak interactions are caused with stable electrons, which creates leptons, neutrinos and bosons W +, W-, Z. The strong interactions are caused with stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α), which creates baryons and mesons. Therefore creation and annihilation operators in physics are irrelevant. Decay modes „elementary particles