Fund Holdings We develop a stock return-predictive measure based on an efficient aggregation of the portfolio holdings of all actively managed U.S. domestic equity mutual funds, and use this model to study the source of fund managers ’ stock-selection abilities. This “generalized-inverse alpha ” (GIA) approach reveals differences in the ability of managers to predict firms ’ future earnings from fun-damental research. Notably, the GIA’s return-forecasting power is not subsumed by publicly avail-able quantitative predictors, such as momentum, value, and earnings quality, nor is it subsumed by methods shown in past research to forecast stock returns using fund holdings or trades. 2 The value of active investment management is a long-standing ...
We propose that fund performance is predicted by its R^2, obtained by regressing its return on the F...
Master of AgribusinessDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsAllen M. FeatherstoneThis study examines v...
We forecast quarterly US stock returns using 25 predictor variables. We consider a breadth of foreca...
The aggregate portfolio of actively managed U.S. equity mutual funds is close to the market portfoli...
Recent research finds that the stocks that mutual fund managers buy outperform the stocks that they ...
We find that the performance distribution of the individual stocks inside a mutual fund can toss out...
We test whether fund managers have stock-picking skill by comparing their holdings and trades prior ...
I examine mutual fund performance using three different perspectives. I begin with Mutual Fund Holdi...
We introduce a new measure of active portfolio management, Active Share, which represents the share ...
In this paper I derive a risk-adjusted measure of portfolio performance (now known as "Jensen&a...
Existing studies had evaluated fund managers based on stock selectivity and market timing abilities...
Our framework for evaluating and investing in mutual funds combines observed returns on funds and pa...
We develop a performance evaluation approach in which a fund manager's skill is judged by the e...
We measure the stock-picking skill of mutual fund managers based on the returns realized around the ...
This paper proposes a simple back testing procedure that is shown to dramatically improve a panel da...
We propose that fund performance is predicted by its R^2, obtained by regressing its return on the F...
Master of AgribusinessDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsAllen M. FeatherstoneThis study examines v...
We forecast quarterly US stock returns using 25 predictor variables. We consider a breadth of foreca...
The aggregate portfolio of actively managed U.S. equity mutual funds is close to the market portfoli...
Recent research finds that the stocks that mutual fund managers buy outperform the stocks that they ...
We find that the performance distribution of the individual stocks inside a mutual fund can toss out...
We test whether fund managers have stock-picking skill by comparing their holdings and trades prior ...
I examine mutual fund performance using three different perspectives. I begin with Mutual Fund Holdi...
We introduce a new measure of active portfolio management, Active Share, which represents the share ...
In this paper I derive a risk-adjusted measure of portfolio performance (now known as "Jensen&a...
Existing studies had evaluated fund managers based on stock selectivity and market timing abilities...
Our framework for evaluating and investing in mutual funds combines observed returns on funds and pa...
We develop a performance evaluation approach in which a fund manager's skill is judged by the e...
We measure the stock-picking skill of mutual fund managers based on the returns realized around the ...
This paper proposes a simple back testing procedure that is shown to dramatically improve a panel da...
We propose that fund performance is predicted by its R^2, obtained by regressing its return on the F...
Master of AgribusinessDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsAllen M. FeatherstoneThis study examines v...
We forecast quarterly US stock returns using 25 predictor variables. We consider a breadth of foreca...