effort Parasite communities are arranged into hierarchical levels of organization, cov-ering various spatial and temporal scales. These range from all parasites within an individual host to all parasites exploiting a host species across its geographic range. This arrangement provides an opportunity for the study of patterns and structuring processes operating at different scales. Across the parasite faunas of various host species, several species-area relationships have been published, emphasizing the key role of factors such as host size or host geographical range in determining parasite species richness. When corrections are made for un-equal sampling effort or phylogenetic influences, however, the strength of these relationships is great...
Species interactions may vary considerably across space as a result of spatial and environmental gra...
We investigate the patterns of abundance-spatial occupancy relationships of adult parasitic nematode...
Abundances and distributions of species are usually associated. This implies that as a species decli...
Parasite species assemblages currently are thought to range from isolationist to interactive, their ...
Abstract. Several studies have searched for the key forces behind the diversification of parasite as...
International audienceDespite considerable research effort, many aspects of the host-parasite relati...
Species accumulation curves (SACs) chart the increase in recovery of new species as a function of so...
1.Recent studies have evaluated the distribution of specialization in species interactionnetworks. S...
Mapping global parasite diversity is crucial to identify geographical hotspots of emerging disease, ...
International audienceStudies investigating parasite diversity have shown substantial geographical v...
International audienceThe number of species coexisting in a community may be regulated by local fact...
© 2020 British Ecological Society In Focus: Dáttilo, W., Barrozo-Chávez, N., Lira-Noriega, A., Gueva...
Comparative ecology uses interspecific relationships among traits, while accounting for the phylogen...
Addressing the importance of constraint and adaptation on the ecology and evolution of host specific...
Free-living species vary substantially in the extent of their spatial distributions. However, distri...
Species interactions may vary considerably across space as a result of spatial and environmental gra...
We investigate the patterns of abundance-spatial occupancy relationships of adult parasitic nematode...
Abundances and distributions of species are usually associated. This implies that as a species decli...
Parasite species assemblages currently are thought to range from isolationist to interactive, their ...
Abstract. Several studies have searched for the key forces behind the diversification of parasite as...
International audienceDespite considerable research effort, many aspects of the host-parasite relati...
Species accumulation curves (SACs) chart the increase in recovery of new species as a function of so...
1.Recent studies have evaluated the distribution of specialization in species interactionnetworks. S...
Mapping global parasite diversity is crucial to identify geographical hotspots of emerging disease, ...
International audienceStudies investigating parasite diversity have shown substantial geographical v...
International audienceThe number of species coexisting in a community may be regulated by local fact...
© 2020 British Ecological Society In Focus: Dáttilo, W., Barrozo-Chávez, N., Lira-Noriega, A., Gueva...
Comparative ecology uses interspecific relationships among traits, while accounting for the phylogen...
Addressing the importance of constraint and adaptation on the ecology and evolution of host specific...
Free-living species vary substantially in the extent of their spatial distributions. However, distri...
Species interactions may vary considerably across space as a result of spatial and environmental gra...
We investigate the patterns of abundance-spatial occupancy relationships of adult parasitic nematode...
Abundances and distributions of species are usually associated. This implies that as a species decli...