With the European Crohn ’ s and Colitis Organization:

Publication date
December 2014


The advent of biological therapy has revolutionized infl ammatory bowel disease (IBD) care. Nonetheless, not all patients require biological therapy. Selection of patients depends on clinical characteristics, previous response to other medical therapy, and comorbid conditions. Availability, reimbursement guidelines, and patient preferences guide the choice of fi rst-line biological therapy for luminal Crohn ’ s disease (CD). Infl iximab (IFX) has the most extensive clinical trial data, but other biological agents (adalimumab (ADA), certolizumab pegol (CZP), and natalizumab (NAT)) appear to have similar benefi ts in CD. Steroid-refractory, steroid-dependent, or complex fi stulizing CD are indications for starting biological therapy, after su...

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