Journal of Herbal Medicine and Toxicology 2 (2) 51-54 (2008) ISSN: 0973-4643 Original Article PHARMACOGNOSTIC EVALUATION AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL

  • Analysis Of
  • Averrhoa Carambola
  • L. Fruit
  • Thomas S
  • Patil D. A
  • Patil A. G
  • Naresh Ch
Publication date
December 2014


as “Kamarakh”) is considered as digestible, tonic strengthening, for bleeding piles and causing biliousness. The dried fruit is also used in fever; it is cooling and possesses antiscorbutic properties. It is considered as one of the best Indian cooling medicines. An attempt has been made to highlight this medicinal fruit through the pharmacognostic studies. The preliminary phytochemical analysis has also been performed on the powdered fruit. The presence of trichomes and large oval lysigenously formed cavities as seen in the transverse section of fruit were the distinguishing features and can be used as anatomical markers. During maturity stage the maximum increase in length and diameter was recorded and their external colour changes from g...

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