Sperm whale and longline fisheries interactions in the Gulf of Alaska-passive acoustic component. North Pacific Research Board Project Final Report. F0412

  • Aaron Thode
  • Janice Straley
  • Christopher Tiemann
  • Valeria Teloni
Publication date
January 2006


Demersal longlining is a fishing technique where one to three miles of baited fishing line is placed on the ocean floor and left to “soak ” for 8-20 hours before being retrieved to haul black cod. Historical whaling records indicate that sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off southeast Alaska incorporate fish into their diets, particularly black cod (Anoplopoma fimbria). In the 1970s sperm whales were encountered off longline gear in the Gulf of Alaska, but beginning in 1995 the frequency and intensity of depredation encounters between longline fishermen and sperm whales increased. Since 2002 the SE Alaska Sperm Whale Avoidance Project (SEASWAP) has been studying this phenomenon using fishermen reports, photo-ID, and biopsies (see relate...

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