en fonction de son rayon et de l’inclinaison de l’axe par rapport au champ appliqué. Pour ce calcul on ne tient compte que du « curling » et de la rotation à l’unisson et l’on suppose que lorsque le « curling » est associé avec une discontinuité, l’aimantation est amenée au stade de plus faible énergie donné par Stoner et Wohlfarth. En admettant les mêmes hypothèses, les pertes d’hysté-résis rotationnelle et l’intégrale d’hystérésis rotationnelle sont calculées à la fois pour un assem-blage de cylindres alignés ou répartis au hasard. Les résultats sont sensiblement concordants avec les mesures de Jacobs et Luborsky sur les particules magnétiques allongées. Abstract. 2014 The coercive force of an infinite ferromagnetic cylinder is calculated...
Alumite has been investigated by measuring the hysteresis loops for different field directions to de...
The classical results of Stoner and Wohlfarth for the prediction of hysteresis loops in small ferrom...
Un nouveau modèle décrivant le renversement de l'aimantation d'un matériau polycristallin est propos...
The coercive force of an infinite ferromagnetic cylinder is calculated as a function of the radius a...
On a déterminé théoriquement, pour divers cas particuliers, les valeurs de a (aimantation initiale) ...
The authors show that a model of magnetic hysteresis, due to L. Néel and surveyed in a preceding rep...
Computer simulation has been utilized to understand the hysteretic behavior of magnetic particle sys...
A mathematical model of the rotational motion of a particle with pronounced ferromagnetic properties...
In this note I present an example of application of Fourier-transform techniques to the computation ...
A computer model of fine magnetic particles has been developed based on the Landau-Lifshitz equation...
The behaviour of soft magnetic materials is complex and associâtes hystérésis and anisotropy. It cor...
Using the property of rotational invariance of the free energy, F can be expanded as the sum of Fa t...
This work explores, from a numerical perspective, the role of particle rotational inertia on the mag...
Starting from magnetization measurements and numerical simulations, this study shows different aspec...
The influence of polydispersity on the magnetization is analyzed in a nonequilibrium situation where...
Alumite has been investigated by measuring the hysteresis loops for different field directions to de...
The classical results of Stoner and Wohlfarth for the prediction of hysteresis loops in small ferrom...
Un nouveau modèle décrivant le renversement de l'aimantation d'un matériau polycristallin est propos...
The coercive force of an infinite ferromagnetic cylinder is calculated as a function of the radius a...
On a déterminé théoriquement, pour divers cas particuliers, les valeurs de a (aimantation initiale) ...
The authors show that a model of magnetic hysteresis, due to L. Néel and surveyed in a preceding rep...
Computer simulation has been utilized to understand the hysteretic behavior of magnetic particle sys...
A mathematical model of the rotational motion of a particle with pronounced ferromagnetic properties...
In this note I present an example of application of Fourier-transform techniques to the computation ...
A computer model of fine magnetic particles has been developed based on the Landau-Lifshitz equation...
The behaviour of soft magnetic materials is complex and associâtes hystérésis and anisotropy. It cor...
Using the property of rotational invariance of the free energy, F can be expanded as the sum of Fa t...
This work explores, from a numerical perspective, the role of particle rotational inertia on the mag...
Starting from magnetization measurements and numerical simulations, this study shows different aspec...
The influence of polydispersity on the magnetization is analyzed in a nonequilibrium situation where...
Alumite has been investigated by measuring the hysteresis loops for different field directions to de...
The classical results of Stoner and Wohlfarth for the prediction of hysteresis loops in small ferrom...
Un nouveau modèle décrivant le renversement de l'aimantation d'un matériau polycristallin est propos...