Description A collection of functions which (i) assess the quality of variable subsets as surro-gates for a full data set, in either an exploratory data analysis or in the context of a multivari-ate linear model, and (ii) search for subsets which are optimal under various criteria
Title Estimation of optimal number of biomarkers for two-group microarray based classifications at a...
R topics documented: coefficients......................................... 2 estimate.sdev.............
Description The support.CEs package provides seven basic functions that support an implementa-tion o...
Description A function which implements variable selection methodology for model-based cluster-ing w...
Description The package performs global optimization combin-ing Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo si...
Description The package implements several ABC algorithms for performing parameter estimation and mo...
Description Mixture and flexible discriminant analysis, multivariate adaptive regression splines (MA...
Description Shewhart quality control charts for continuous, at-tribute and count data. Cusum and EWM...
Description Routines for a collection of screen-and-clean type variable selection procedures, includ...
R topics documented: msir-package........................................ 2
Title Estimation of optimal number of biomarkers for two-group microarray based classifications at a...
R topics documented: coefficients......................................... 2 estimate.sdev.............
Description The support.CEs package provides seven basic functions that support an implementa-tion o...
Description A function which implements variable selection methodology for model-based cluster-ing w...
Description The package performs global optimization combin-ing Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo si...
Description The package implements several ABC algorithms for performing parameter estimation and mo...
Description Mixture and flexible discriminant analysis, multivariate adaptive regression splines (MA...
Description Shewhart quality control charts for continuous, at-tribute and count data. Cusum and EWM...
Description Routines for a collection of screen-and-clean type variable selection procedures, includ...
R topics documented: msir-package........................................ 2
Title Estimation of optimal number of biomarkers for two-group microarray based classifications at a...
R topics documented: coefficients......................................... 2 estimate.sdev.............
Description The support.CEs package provides seven basic functions that support an implementa-tion o...