The recovery of the human character and purpose of life with consciousness-based medicine seems to be able to induce spontaneous remissions in several diseases. On two different occasions, we observed breast tumors reduced to less than half their original diameters (clinically judged) during a holistic session, when working with the patients in accordance with the holistic process theory of healing, the life mission theory, and the theory of human character. One tumor was histologically diagnosed as malign breast cancer prior to the session, while the other was under examination. As both patients had the affected regions of the breast surgically removed immediately after the session, we are unable to determine if they were actually healed b...
The Impact of Holistic Healing on Breast Cancer Patients Arielle Walker Abstract Background: As a nu...
Title from first page of PDF file (viewed November 24, 2010)Includes bibliographical references (p. ...
The study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of Holistic Health Management as an approach...
We believe that the consciousness-based/holistic medical toolbox has a serious additional offer to c...
In the medical clinic, we often face health problems that have no known cause, even after a thorough...
Quality of life, health, and ability are often lost at the same time and most often in one decaying ...
Biomedicine focuses on the biochemistry of the body, while consciousness-based medicine — holistic m...
The human character can be understood as an extension of the life mission or purpose of life, and ex...
It is possible to understand the process of healing from a holistic perspective. According to the li...
It is possible to understand the process of healing from a holistic perspective. According to the li...
Cancer is a disease that nearly everyone has experience with. Almost everyone has a relative or a fr...
We had a success rate of treating low, self-assessed, global quality of life (measured by QOL1: How ...
When we experience life events with overwhelming emotional pain, we can escape this pain by making d...
The overall intent of this research is to bring a scholarly perspective to the mind, body, and spiri...
Breast cancer patients face challenges throughout the journey of diagnosis, treatment, post-treatmen...
The Impact of Holistic Healing on Breast Cancer Patients Arielle Walker Abstract Background: As a nu...
Title from first page of PDF file (viewed November 24, 2010)Includes bibliographical references (p. ...
The study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of Holistic Health Management as an approach...
We believe that the consciousness-based/holistic medical toolbox has a serious additional offer to c...
In the medical clinic, we often face health problems that have no known cause, even after a thorough...
Quality of life, health, and ability are often lost at the same time and most often in one decaying ...
Biomedicine focuses on the biochemistry of the body, while consciousness-based medicine — holistic m...
The human character can be understood as an extension of the life mission or purpose of life, and ex...
It is possible to understand the process of healing from a holistic perspective. According to the li...
It is possible to understand the process of healing from a holistic perspective. According to the li...
Cancer is a disease that nearly everyone has experience with. Almost everyone has a relative or a fr...
We had a success rate of treating low, self-assessed, global quality of life (measured by QOL1: How ...
When we experience life events with overwhelming emotional pain, we can escape this pain by making d...
The overall intent of this research is to bring a scholarly perspective to the mind, body, and spiri...
Breast cancer patients face challenges throughout the journey of diagnosis, treatment, post-treatmen...
The Impact of Holistic Healing on Breast Cancer Patients Arielle Walker Abstract Background: As a nu...
Title from first page of PDF file (viewed November 24, 2010)Includes bibliographical references (p. ...
The study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of Holistic Health Management as an approach...